When I will update.

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So some things have happened recently that have left me heartbroken and slightly depressed, but I realized I love writing. It's like my escape from reality. It's something that is special to me. When I write its like heaven on earth. I can make up anything and write anything I want. I came to a conclusion that life has its ups and downs, and some days are good while others are bad. I found out that I just can't press pause when things get hard because life is hard, and the only way you will get through it is to live with it. You have to push through to see the better days, because life isn't filled with sunshine and rainbows. It's filled with doubts and troubles, days where you feel like nothing maters, but there are also days with smiles and laughs. Days where everything goes great. That is life. Wattpad is a apart of my life and these past couple of days have been tough but I am not going to stop updating because life threw a couple problems my way. I have started to work on an update for this story and some of my others as well. I will get them posted as soon as I can. I want to thank all of you for supporting me and reading my stories. Reading all of your comments make me want to write more, you are the reason I do this. So thank you all so much and when I say I love you all, I mean it.

Thank you,
        E. Rose

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