Chapter 7: " Betrayal"

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Hi guys back with an update, hope it lives upto your expectations.


Ragini didnt want to go back to Swara room ,she may not be able to keep her emotions in check. Nor could she ever forgot that she had to sign her divorce papers , because her husband had betrayed her in the worst possible way. Laksh had his reasons , his excuses but at the end of the day ,she felt betrayed and the humiliating aspect of it was there had been shaurav to witness it, the look of horror in his face when Laksh launched it to his explanation would have been comical if not for the fact her heart was breaking apart by his words.

" Ragini trust me, i never meant to hurt you. I love you.. It had been a mistake, i was drunk that night and didnt know .." his words were confusing as hell until the person beside him spoke up instead. Then it couldnt be crystal clear, her husband had cheated on her with someone else. She wanted to rally at him but she was too stunned to say a word.

Slowly the pieces fell into place and she realized that her husband wasnt hiding away from her but living a whole new life without her. Laksh Maheshwari wanted to be rich that he had chosen to do so by illegal means when his brother kicked them out, didnt she support him when Sanskar and Swara tried to tell her ,he was going on the wrong way. Didnt she pick his side even when she knew he was in the wrong.

Well he really shown her just how far he went wrong, he got drunk with his boss one day and end up waking up in his sister bed . He apologized and she forgave and they both continued to pretend it didnt happen, her husband kept it hidden from her. He said it was a mistake and he didn't want to hurt her .

Until Myra got pregnant. So confronted with the truth of her pregnancy what did her husband do, he faked his own death and pretended to live with his new wife. He looked confused that people didn't assume he was dead just because he disappeared out of nowhere .

He had to apparently leave her , since Myra brother was in jail because of laksh. When Laksh got arrested he confessed the name of his boss, so myra had no one except laksh while ragini had everyone . Her husband logic which led him to think disappearing would be the right decision .

" We had hoped you would move on Ragini, it has months after all. I love you Ragini, but I can't abandon my child . When Sanskar bhai went missing , dad gave up the search after 3 months assuming he was dead. But i heard Swara and Sanskar were still looking for me, ask them to stop the search, i made a huge mistake Ragini, i admit but there is a innocent child life at stake here, my decision was for the kid ,it is better for everyone to think I was dead " Laksh words still kept haunting her, when myra his new wife asked her to sign the divorce papers since she wanted the legal right as well.

" I know Laksh doesnt love me,but for the sake of our child. We will live together , he had already gave up on you and his family for us" Myra voice answered back at Ragini confused look and she should have thrown the papers at his face, she wanted to because at the moment she wanted laksh to suffer for the pain he caused her and his entire family

" Also if you went to the police, there will be complications. My brother may be in jail but his friends and everyone working for him wont hesitate to kill for him. Even now three of his friends are in jail because of your sister interference. But i know they wont say a word about laksh.. If you want your family to remain safe , it would be better if you sign the papers and ask your sister and her husband to stop searching for him" the threat was evident in her voice, Shaurav tried to stop her from signing but Ragini wasnt doing it out of fear but rather disgust. She didnt want to even be linked with laksh.

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