Chapter 5 - A Damaged Bone

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I'm yet again disturbed by the ignorant knocking on my door in the early hours of the morning. I groaned and crawled my way to door door. "Yes?" I ask lazily, expecting to see Hinata's stupid face or something ing, but the face I see is one I haven't seen before. Before me stood a very "pretty" boy. He has soft silver hair and stood just below my height. He greeted me with a warm smile.
"Hi There! My name is Sugawara. Sorry to have to meet you like this. But I need you to come with me." The new voice says.
"Uhm...Why?" I ask, still not trusting everyone and everything about this walled city.
"Daichi wants to speak with you."
I sigh. Typical. I fake a smile and hold my finger up to who I now know as Sugawara. I took a moment to change in the dark of my room and rejoined him moments later. He walked me back to the town hall in the dark of the morning, the stars still peaking through the clouds and the cold air flowing through my loose clothes. We joined Daichi in the office, this time his female assistant wasn't to be seen. I couldn't help but wonder why I was hear so early. Did these people even sleep?
"Kageyama! Nice to see you again." He smiled and motioned for me to take a seat.
I groaned and slouched down in the seat, rubbing my eyes. It's been a while since I got up this early.
"Have you decided to talk yet? Since you obviously want to leave so badly." He asked, placing his head on his hands. His tone was more sinister than before. I think he's loosing patience.
"I told you...I'm not talking. Can't you respect my privacy?"
"Well Hinata did introduce you to Mint Water yesterday...I thought that would have knocked some sense into you."
"Well what's stopping me from making up some bullshit story huh?" I snarl, clenching my teeth.
"Well...that's what I'm for!" The silver haired male says.
"Suga here has a thing for knowing when people tell lies, people say it's a mom sense." Daichi says.
"Mom?" I ask, confused at why he'd have such a name.
"I look after all my baby crows, so people call me the Mom." He smiled.
"Right..." I mumble
"Look...Kageyama. If you don't wanna talk to us we understand, but you're digging everyone here into a bigger hole the longer you wait." Daichi says, returning to his work.
"Yeah whatever. I wouldn't be in this hole if it wasn't for you." I stood up and left the room, back out into the open night air, Atlas was waiting nearby. I was walking down the streets when I think that now would be a perfect time to try escape. I quickly look around me, checking to see if anyone's watching. It's clear.  I run to the furthest part of the town, down every alleyway and corner I can turn to make myself as hidden as possible. I find myself looking up and the wall. It looking back down at me, looming over me. There's little cracks and dents that I can wedge my hands and feet into and make my way up the wall. I begin scaling the wall, my heart beating faster with every step. It doesn't look that high from the ground but when you're up here it feels like one slip and your life could be gone. I swing myself over the top and find myself dangling. There's nothing on the other side I can support myself with. I'll have to drop. My head was telling me to drop, but my hands clung on for dear life. My fingers began to strain and I eventually fell the 20 foot drop. My body slammed shoulder first into the hard ground, a loud crack following.
"Fuck!" I accidentally screamed out.
"Kageyama?" A familar voice says from not that far in front of me. It's too dark to see who it is at first but when my eyes slightly adjust I see the familiar orange mess.
"H-Hinata?! Uhh-" I was screwed. Not only was my shoulder probably dislocated or broken, but Hinata had witnessed my escape.
"What are you doing?" He asks, dropping the collection of sticks he was carrying.
"J-just going for a walk." I lie
"Don't lie to me, if you wanted to go for a walk you could have left through the gates. You're...not leaving...are you?" He asked, his voice slightly worried.
"What does it matter to you If i am?" I snapped.
"B-but you-"
"Move and get out of my way." I said, pushing myself up off the ground. I wince in pain as my shoulder aches.
"You're hurt!" He said, getting down on his knees beside me.
"No I'm fine get off me!" I shouted pushing him back.
"You won't get far with that!" He shouts, pinning me to the ground. "Look! You can't leave yet! Just come back inside and I'll make up an excuse for Daichi! Don't leave yet just...please!" He screamed.
"Jesus why do you care so much...?" I screwed up my face.
"I-it doesn't matter! Just stay for a little longer okay?!" He begged.
"F-fine owe me..." I say, getting to my feet.

Hinata dragged me back into the town and took me straight to the infirmary, pulling me by my jacket the whole time. He kept his head low an we didn't speak the whole time. Why did I stay? I could have left. Then it clicks to me...I forgot the fucking dog again. Since when could dogs climb walls. But even so. Why did Hinata make me stay, what was I thinking to have someone like him convince me.
When we got to the infirmary I had to take my shirt off for him to look at my shoulder. I felt slightly uncomfortable but this guy was doing me a favour.
"You didn't break it, but i'll wrap it up just in case..."

He wrapped my shoulder with care. I barely felt any pain. His touch was gentle and I weirdly felt safe. Even though he was the bad guy in all this. To me anyways. Hinata stood up and went to leave the Infirmary but I didn't want him to leave just yet.
"Hey wait-" I called out.
"Yeah?" He turned and smiled. That helped me make up my mind. Weirdly I'd built a bond with this guy more than anyone in this place. I knew the only way I was getting out of here was to talk, and if I was going to talk to anyone it was going to be him.
"I wanna tell you...before Daichi"

"Tell me wha- oh..."

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