Chapter 16 - The Start of a Long Long Time

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"Suga let go of me!" I screamed. I punched and kicked giving it my all but it was just no use. Suga had me tight and I was just allowing myself to watch Kageyama be dragged away from me. I watched them drag him across the grass. Two men on either side. He didn't show any emotion, he just looked empty, like when I first met him.
"Hinata stop! We can't do anything now I'm sorry!" Suga said. I felt his grip around me tighten and my entire body began going numb. There really was nothing I could do. My heart was racing, I could almost feel it bouncing off my ribs. I watched as they threw him into the back of one of their trucks, the smiles they have, their smiles filled with evil and intent to hurt started a fire in my heart. So much rage that I didn't know what to do with myself. Do I lash out? That will probably get me killed. Then do I come up with a plan? Come on Hinata. Think...
"Daichi!" Kiyoko screamed from behind us. I whipped my neck around so fast that I thought it could break. Daichi was face down on the floor, his skin white and eyes lifeless. The earth below him sucking up his blood. "Someone get me my first aid kit! Now!" She shouted before ripping a piece of fabric from her shirt and wrapping it tightly around his finger. Not caring for her decency at this moment. Sugawara rushed to his side placing his hand over the bloody rag. He strokes his head with his other hand and gives him reassuring words to help with the pain.
"I'm sorry I've failed you guys." Daichi said. You can see the droplets of sweat forming on his head. He was going into shock.
Despite having to watch his love come in and out of continuousness in front of him as the blood drained from his body. Suga remained calm. "You haven't failed us." He smiled softly. "You're so strong you don't even know." Suga said with tears in his eyes.
The trucks started their engines and drove past us, honking their horns as they went. My eyes averted to one truck in particular, it's back door still open. Tendo stood in the back with Kageyama at his feet on his knees, a bag over his head. He gripped his head and lifted it up so his neck was exposed and brought a knife to it.
"N-no..." I mumbled.
"Don't forget! We'll be back next week and you better have some goods for us or else." Ushijima shouts from the rolled down windows. I stand up and part my feet, clenching my fists and gritting my teeth.
"Kageyama i'll find you!" I screamed as loud as I could. I know it reaches them, I hope it reached him.


The next day we held a stupid fucking meeting. I don't think I've ever wanted to be somewhere else more in my life. I sat at the back of the room by myself. Many people had tried to talk to me since yesterday, I ignored all of them. I didn't need their pitty. I didn't plan of drawing this out. Daichi walked into the room with his head held low. His hand supported with a sling and his eyes puffy. He'd obviously been crying. He took his place at the front of the room. He's never looked this small. Suga followed and took a seat in the crowd. With a deep breath Daichi began to speak.
"Firstly I just want to apologise for what happened yesterday. Because of my actions and my incapability to protect this town we not only lost our freedom but we lost a member of our family. I have failed you all as a leader and will carry this with me for the rest of my life and I promise I am going to do my best to save us." Daichi struggled to get the words out, it's almost sad to look at. You can tell he's being genuine. Soon a man emerges from the crowd with an angered expression.
"Daichi, this is not your doing. How were you supposed to know that little bastard would cause this." The man said, referring to Kageyama.
"This is not Kageyama's fault!" I screamed, squaring up to the taller man.
"You what?" The man said, shoving me back.
"Hey, hey stop it!" Sugawara said, pulling us apart.
"Look, I understand why you might think that, it's true that if we hadn't come across him then this might not be happening right now. But let's just admit it, it was bound to happen at some point, we couldn't stay hidden forever." Daichi said with a sad look on his face. "But this is how it is now. Every week they'll be back here, looking for more. So we just need to work around that for now. I'm going to need more scavengers and we'll start immediately. We'll group again here tomorrow, meeting closed."
"Wait!" I said as everyone starts to leave the room. "What about Kageyama?!" Everyone just rolled their eyes at me and kept walking. I followed them outside demanding answers.
"What about him?" Tsukishima said.
"We need to get him back! That's what!" Tsukkishima laughed in my face. "Don't fucking laugh at me we need to do-"
"Hinata look at us!" He shouted. "We're fucking defenceless! You've grown up with a silver spoon in your mouth. You don't have that anymore. You're going to have to learn how to work for someone else now. But more importantly for yourself. We're not getting Kageyama back." He walked away.
I grabbed his wrist and dug my nails into his skin. "Then we can get help! We can't leave him there!"
"Hinata Stop!" Daichi shouted. "We already told you, there's nothing we can do! They have him and we aren't getting him back! Even if we tried we'd all die in the process. Is that what you want!?" My arms drop to my sides and Daichi's expression saddens. His voice softens. "I'm sorry." He says one final time.
Everyone follows after him, one after the other. Then eventually i'm left by myself. The air turned cold and I felt the salt water droplets falling from my eyes. "Shit..." I say, falling to the ground. What was I supposed to do now? I felt as though the whole world was against me, feeding off my pain for their own satisfaction. I didn't care that Kageyama was immune to the virus. I didn't care that he hid it from me. I just wanted him back.
I sobbed to myself for what felt like an eternity. That's when I made up my mind. If no one was going to help me I would do it on my own.

I'm going to get him back.

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