Chapter 8 - Come Back

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Almost a week later I was fully healed and got the all clear to leave town. There had been no sign of Hinata since the attack but I was reassured that he'd probably left for a hunt and would return soon. Apparently he has a tendency to run off unexpectedly.
"Kageyama!" Sugawara ran up to me with a large grin. "I hear you're leaving?" He said.
"Y-yeah I think so..." I awkwardly smile and rub the back of my neck.
"Alright, thanks for everything. I hope we meet again but remember if you ever need anything, you know where we are." He smiled and tapped my arm. I appreciated the gesture more than he knew. I nodded and gathered up my bags.
As I was walking towards the gates I began to think. Was I really leaving this amazing town, group of people, community? All because of my stupid grudge against this group of horrible people I refuse to trust anyone? Now that I think about it...Hinata and I never actually made up...he's still angry at me right? Well atleast now I know why he was angry, he knew about the group. He knew what kind of people they were and him thinking I was a part of it, there's no reason to why he shouldn't have been angry. I want to apologise to him. But it's already too late. By the time I'd finished my thoughts I was already standing at the gates. I looked up at them one last time. One of the guards from the watchtower was looking at me curiously but gave the all clear to the gatekeeper. But before anyone got a chance to move, Atlas lost his shit. His high pitched barks echoed through the town.
"What the hell? H-hey, calm down boy!" I say, trying to get the dog to calm but he doesn't, he keeps barking at what seems to be on the other side of the gate. "A-Atlas!?"
"Kageyama?" A familar voice on the other side of the gate says.
"Hinata?" I said as the gates open. I'm standing face to face with the small ginger again. He has a mask over the bottom half of his face and is covered in dirt and wounds.
"You're leaving?" He asked. I couldn't tell how he was reacting. I didn't know if he was happy or sad. I think It's obvious which it was anyways.
"I am..."
"Good riddens, we don't need someone like you here." He snarled, walking past me and into the town.
"Someone like me?" I said to myself. Oh, he still thinks I'm an Iron Eagle. I figured there was no point in explaining myself. It's not like I was going to see the boy again. But I couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt as I watched him walk away.
"I'm sorry." I said without looking at him. I With a final sigh I left the town for good. That's the last time I'll be seeing him, but...why do I feel so sad? I look back over my shoulder and notice he's doing the same thing. We both have the same reaction which is to quick turn and walk away.


"Alright, food and water? Check. Place to sleep? Check. Dog food? Check. Alright good i'm all set for the night." I say to myself, taking a seat against a tree and putting my head back. It felt nice to be back in the wild, back to what I'm used to. Although I did miss a comfy bed, and the showers and the heat. Shut up.
Atlas kept whining through the whole night and kept me from sleeping. Although I don't think I would have slept anyways. Two weeks of living in luxury then back to this isn't the most pleasant of changes. It's cold and damp and the insects are crawling all over me.
"I could have picked a better place to sleep." I said to myself.  Just as it was starting to get quiet I hear quick approaching footsteps emerging from the bushes. The dry leaves and branches snapping underneath them. My hand goes straight for my pistol that was kindly given to my by Suga. I pointed it in the direction of the footsteps, and was shocked to see a person fall out of the bushes straight onto their face infront of me.
"You've got to be fucking with me." I said to myself as I lowered my gun. I couldn't help but face palm. This situation was too perfect. The small body on the ground shuddered and curled into a ball. Seemingly unaware of my presence.
"Ouch~" They said, finally listing their head and looking at me. "Kageyama!?"
"Jesus Christ." I mumbled and looked away from him. Why the fuck was he out here. Suddenly he jumped on me, pinning me to the ground. I couldn't tell if it was a form of affection or an attack.
"I'm sorry!" He yelled. I covered his mouth and told him to shush, he seemed to have forgotten we live with zombies. "Right, sorry. I came out here looking for you."
"Why?" I asked.
"Because I was wrong. Daichi told me everything.
I was far too quick to judge. I let me emotions get the best of me and judged you based on my past. The truth is, the Iron Eagles killed my father. So you can imagine that anything to do with them kind of sets me off." I could see tears forming in his eyes. "I felt like that maybe for the first time in a while I could have made a friend? That's not how you treat a friend." He sobbed gently.
"Hinata...what the hell has gotten into you, you're usually this strongly composed leader, now you're like this over me?"
"Please come back!" His face lifted, a few gentle tears rolling down his cheeks.
"Look I appreciate you coming out here for me and everything but, I really don't believe that going back is the best thing for me. I'm a loner, I prefer to do thing ALONE." I tried to explain but he was a mess. Like a kid go got their favourite toy taken from them.
"Please!" He began raising his voice again. I pushed him from on top of me and flipped positions, myself now on top of him. His face was priceless.
"Tell me one thing." I said in a low voice, he waited expectantly. "Why didn't you tell Daichi about the Iron Eagles as soon as you found out?"
He relaxed himself underneath me. "Because I knew how hard it was for you to open up. Even to me. It wasn't my place to say anything.
"And you disappeared for a week because?"
"I was too scared to face you. If I'm being honest I couldn't bear the thought of you."
"And why do you want me to come back?"
"Because you're my friend!" He yelled, surely attracting a few zombies. I slapped my hand over his mouth one final time. "Alright, I'll come back." I mumbled. I could feel him smiling beneath my palm. I released him and he jumped up in excitement.
"Let's go home!"

The Infected [KageHina Zombie AU] Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ