Chapter 20 - Team C

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The next morning we left for our final stop. The Stray Cats. Not long from now we hoped to have an entire squadron of soldiers to take with us to fight the Iron Eagles. This was all we had left to do. This, would be the hardest of them all. The stray cats are an extremely well known group, they have the most superiority from any other group I know and they do not take shit from anyone. The leader, Kuroo is a scary fucker. Sorry- fricker.
We'd done business with them in the past, and when I say business I mean they did us favours, so we have a lot over our heads at the minute. We owe them a lot and asking them to literally fight a battle for them isn't going to go well. I have a feeling they're not helping us with anything until we repay them.
With help from Bokuto we were able to contact Kuroo and arrange a meeting. Unlike the other bases we weren't able to just roll up to this one. The thing was, we didn't know where the base was. No one did. It's completely hidden in the middle of Tokyo and only the Stay Cats know how to get there. According to Tsukkishima, the last time they went they were blindfolded on their way there to keep their secrecy. Thankfully, they're meeting us half way. Apparently Tokyo is far from safe at the minute. It's the city with the highest zombie population in all of Japan and it just wouldn't be safe for us to try get in.
We pulled up at the meeting place. It was the only building we'd seen for miles so we were certain it was the right place. It was an old mill that had been long abandoned. Long before the outbreak. The wooden panels were black with rot and mould and I watched as the bugs weaved their way in and out of the cracks. As we stepped out of the car I could head the wood creaking as if it was speaking to me.

That creaking is all I listened to for the next half hour. No one spoke, the tension was so thick you couldn't cut it. No one knew what was going to happen. For all we know Kuroo could roll up and execute us all. Just as I was finished off my thoughts I heard the roar of screeching tyres in the distance. Our heads shot round in sync as we watched the three jet black range rovers roll up into the mill. They parked around us, blocking us and our car in. Before I knew it we were surrounded. I watched in silence as the cars engines shut off and the car doors opened. That's when I saw Kuroo for the first time. He stepped out in full black clothing, fitted perfectly with a bullet proof vest and a gun bigger than be strapped to his back.
"Daichi!" Kuroo exclaimed as he approached us. The two hugged and engaged in conversation while the rest of the men unloaded themselves from the truck. They too had full armour and were equipped with guns, not quite as big as Kuroo's though. They lined up behind Kuroo and stood perfectly still, I'm guessing they were waiting for orders of some kind. I noticed someone not in any gear, not standing like the other men. He was small, frail. He didn't seem to give a care for what was going on and his long blonde hair was tied back into a pony tail. He was leaning against the closest care playing some sort of game device. I was pretty sure it was Kenma, I've never actually got the chance to speak to him but I've heard Kuroo treats him like royalty, he never lets him out of his sight and is guarding him at all times.

"Tsukishima?" Kuroo said, catching my attention. "It's been a while!" He laughs patting Tsukkishima on the head like a little kid. Tsukishima laughs nervously and falls into conversation. I guess I underestimated how well we knew these guys.
"So? What do you guys need this time?" Kuroo mocked.
"You know us all too well Kuroo." Daichi laughed. "Well, look. We know we already owe you, but this is...something where we really need you guys."
"Which is?" Kuroo asked with a questioning tone.
"We need you to help us fight The Iron Eagles, they've take-"
"No." Kuroo interrupted. His entire presence suddenly shifted from a distant friend to a potietisl threat. I could almost see the light draining from his eyes. I saw the cogs in his head spinning as he processed what was just said.
"I-I know it's a lot to ask but we have no oth-"
"I said no. You owe us more than you could imagine and you want us to fight the one group stronger than us, for what? A little raid?" He said, his tone becoming louder and angrier.
"You don't understand it's worse than that!" Daichi begged.
Kuroo went quiet, his voice deep and rude. "I don't care how much you beg or cry. I am not, risking my men. Kenma. Anything for this. You don't understand how hard I have worked to build up what I have and you realise you're asking me to let that all slip away into nothing!"
"They've taken K-"
"Daichi! I don't care who they've taken it's not my business when more lives are at risk."
I feel myself starting to panic, If they don't help us, it's all over. I run from the mini-van into the middle of the scene and get down on my hands and knees. "Please Kuroo! They've taken my friend, the person I love and there's nothing I can do about it! They're coming every week and reminding me of what kind of sick hell he's in! Without you it's all over and I'll never see him again!" I scream.
Kuroo looks shocked, his mouth hanging open and looking down on me. The silence lasts longer than everyone would have liked, but it was suddenly broken when the small blonde drags Kurro to the side, away from the ears of the spectators. Everyone watched as Kuroo is bent double over the small boy and waited patiently. I could feel my beard in my throat, my curiosity itching to know what they were talking about.
"What if it was me Kurro." Kenma said calmly, keeping a hold of the tall boys wrist. His sharp nails slightly digging into his pink skin.
"If it was you?" Kuroo said, confused. He looked down in shame. The thought of losing Kenma sent his head into a spiral.
"You'd come running, wouldn't you?" Kenma said while keeping direct eye contact. But with a hint of question to his tone.
"Of course I would!" Kuroo says without a second thought. "You know I would."
Kenma's gaze fell upon me as I stood with my hands gripped to my chest. My eyes red and glistening from holding back the tears. Kurro noticed this and too looked at me. His look was more pitiful that empathetic.
Kuroo turned back to Kenma with soft eyes. His hand taking grip of his. "What about you?"
"You know me." Kenma said, bringing the conversation to a close and going back to his game. Kuroo walked away in a state of confusion. Rejoining the group without his leader composure. He scratched his neck and cleared his throat.
"Uhm-who else is helping you?"
"We have Mint Water and The Daylight Owls on our side sir." Sugawara spoke up.
"Bokuto-san? Really?" Kuroo smirked. The thought of an old friend crossing his mind. Despite this, he still didn't look convinced. Our final strategy was of course. Bribery.
"You'll get a quarter of their supplies of your choice when we win." Kiyoko said from the back of the crowd. Kuroo's eyes lit up with interest. The smirk turning to a smile. I could almost see his thoughts of his riches through his pupils.
"Make it half?"
"A third." Daichi said sternly. Finally taking back his control.
Kuroo stood silent for a moment. He looked around him, looking at his men, at Kenma then at himself. He took a deep breath and looked me right in the eyes.
"Alright. Count us in." He smiled. "But you guys are hosting Kenma while we're away."
"We'll have it taken care of." Sugawara beamed.

Now it's the end game.

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