Chapter 4 - Mint Water

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I hated to admit it, but I was actually enjoying my time here so far. I was enjoying the food, the heat, the shelter and the showers. Oh my God the showers. I kicked my feet up on the couch, towel still wrapped around my waist and put an old tape into the VCR, not knowing what was on it. Atlas jumped up beside me and rested his head on my lap and just as I was getting comfortable there was a loud knock at the door. I groaned and slowly opened the door, forgetting I was basically naked. "What the fuck do you want?"
"Geeze dude! Put some damn clothes on!" Hinata yelled, covering his eyes with his hands. I rolled my eyes and shut the door in his face. Then quickly put on an old hoodie and sweats that happened to be nearby. I have to say I was disappointed to see him still standing there when I opened the door again. I signalled him to come in with my head and he shyly obliged. It was like when you're 12 and you're in your friends house for the first time, scared to touch anything and hunched in on yourself.
"If it was me I'd have you in the cells." He looked over his shoulder at me.
"You can drop the act now. I know you're just a little kitten in a big jungle." I said flicking his nose. "Anyways I won't be here for very long."
"So you're gonna talk." His face lit up for a second.
"I don't plan to tell them anything." I say, looking away slightly.
"Them? You do realise i'm one of them right?"
"Why the fuck should I have to talk to you anyways. I was fine on my own. You're just power hungry." I folded my arms and looked down at him.
"You'll understand soon enough." he said, making his way to the door. "Meet me at the gates in an hour if you wanna know. Oh, and i'm just across the hall if you need me." He was about to leave when he turned back and looked at me. "I'm just being nice by the way, don't come over." And with that he was gone. I fell back onto my couch and looked at the clock. I didn't have anything better to do anyways.


Like he asked, I found myself standing at the gates with Atlas by my side. The whole walk here I was getting weird looks from the other residents, especially now that I was just standing here like a loser. Finally Hinata showed up.
"You're late" I mumbled.
"You're early" He snapped back.
"Whatever, just tell me why i'm here." I sighed, knowing that this would be a waste of my time. Hinata's mouth turned into a smirk and he pointed to the gates.
I looked at the gate in confusion, all I saw was the empty road in front of us. I was about to turn round and punch the dwarf for messing with me but that's when I heard the low rumbling of trucks. Lots of them.
"Open the gates!" A man from the watchtower yelled. The gates were opened and 5 large combat trucks rolled straight into the town.
"Who are these guys?" I asked in confusion. I thought at first they were other members of the town returning from a hunt or something but my theory was quickly disprove.
"You'll see" Hinata said calmly.
The trucks parked, one behind the other. Men get out from all sides, armed with guns. Lot's of them. The men mostly crowd together and just talk as if this is completely natural. Then I see two men that look far more important than the rest. They hold guns almost bigger than them and are completely armoured. They look like characters straight out of a video game.
"Oikwa! Iwaizumi! Nice to see you guys again!" Hinata calls, fist bumping one of the men.
"Chibi-chan! I missed you!" The brown haired one says, hugging Hinata.
I stood awkwardly behind Hinata, my fingers twitching every time someone with a gun walked past.
"Hey Asshole. Why am I here?" I ask, wanting to get away as quickly as possible.
"Oh yeah!" Hinata dragged one of the men towards me until he was face to face with me. He was my height and has soft brown hair that flew in multiple directions. He looked kind, unlike his colleague. "This is Oikawa! He's the leader of Mint Water. His and our group do weekly trades with each other. For example. Oikawa brings us weapons and ammo, we give them food and water. They look scary right?" Hinata says, smiling up at Oikawa. I cringed at how much of a fangirl he had become. Maybe this was the real Hinata.
"Nice to meet you!" Oikawa held out his hand, but I refused to take it. He casually brings his hand away and turns to Hinata again. Unfazed by my rudeness. "I'm gonna go meet up with Daichi! See ya soon Chibi-chan! Iwa-Chan! Come on~."
Oikawa walks away with his partner and it's just me and Hinata again.
"I still don't get what these guys have anything to do with me telling Daichi about my background."
"Hinata sighed. "Look I know this must be hard, but we need as many Alliances as we can get. Who you just met, that's Mint Water. An Alliance of the Fallen Crows. You've been on your own for a long time, you know how many groups there are. One in particular is want us gone. If they knew where we were or anything about us we'd all be dead. We need to be prepared for the worst. That's why we need as much information as possible from as many sources. I'm sorry we met the way we did. But i'm sure you understand."
"I already told you, I'm alone why would I have any information on this group!?" I said, becoming irritated. I felt like I was repeating myself at this point.
"You said you've been alone for a while. Have you ever come into contact with groups of any kind?"
"Yes, lots but i've never been a part of any. I've been alone since the start of the outbreak."
"That's what we need to know. And of course we want to know about you so we can know how we can trust you. It's really not that complicated when you think about it."
"I get it. You're being cautious. But i'm not ready to talk about anything, especially not with a guy who put a knife to my head." I glared.
"Fair enough..." Hinata folded his arms and looked away from me, but I noticed him staring from the corner of my eye. "Look...I wanna start over with you. I'm really not that bad of a person. We met in a kind of bad situation. So can we please start again?"
"Why should I trust you?" I screwed up my face.
"Because, you're gonna be here and It's been a while since I've met someone new. We should be friends." He smiled.
"I don't make friends." I looked away. He grabbed my wrist and I turned to look at him with disgust, but his face forced me to say otherwise. "Okay maybe."

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