Chapter 19 - Team B

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I shook Oikawa's hand firmly. He had a strong grip with a slight hint of palm sweat.
"I'll see you soon Chibi-chan." Oikawa stuck out his tongue and shot his iconic smile.
"Stay safe." I smiled and briskly left the room. Daichi, Oikawa and Iwazumi took an extra minute away from the rest of the group. Their conversation ended in a caring embrace. When Daichi rejoined us he seemed more composed than ever.
"Where to next?" Suga asked, looking at a map that was lazily taped to the wall infront of them.
"Well let's just see who's closest." Daichi said, holding his chin and studying the tattered map.
"I think the Daylight Owls are the closest from here." Kiyoko pointed to a small red circle about 600 miles east from our current location. We were in for a long trip. Oikawa and Iwazumi kindly offered us a place to stay for the night but we respectfully declined. There was no time to waste.

We piled back into the minivan, our tired steps echoing off the dust covered floor. Everyone plopped onto their chairs with a sigh and lay down for a nap. I figured since I already had one I wouldn't be tired, but as soon as we began driving I nodded off into dreamland.

I found myself in a room. It was dark and stank of rotting flesh. I couldn't see two feet in front of me and I could feel myself starting to panic.
"Hello?" I called out. As if I hadn't watched enough horror movies to know that you don't call out to your potential murderer.
"H-hello." A shaky voice quietly called back.
"Who's there?" I asked, slowly creeping forward. If I hadn't been watching where I was going I would have tripped right over the body spread out in front of me. He was long, so skinny I could see his ribs. He only wore some torn up boxers and a single sock. He was covered in bruises. Much like the ones I'd seen on Kageyama earlier that day.
"Kageyama!?" I screamed, falling to my knees and using all my strength to lift the dead weight into my arms. "Hey can you hear me!?" I said, repeatedly slapping his lifeless face.
"He can't feel you anymore. You're nothing to him. You let him leave. You didn't even try to stop him. You're the reason he's dead." A familiar voice whispered into my ear. My heart dropped into my stomach, his presence was overwhelming. I shot round to be face to face with the devil himself. Ushijima. That's when I noticed Kageyama was no longer in my arms. I couldn't feel his skin anymore, his shallow heartbeat had vanished.
"What did you do to him!" I screamed, my spit splashing all over his grinning face. But he wasn't phased.
"He's dead."
"What." My shoulders sank.
"And it's your fault."
"You know he resents you now."
"No we-"
"He hates you for killing him. Shouyou."

"Stop!" I screamed, lunging up and hitting my head off the seat infront of me.
"Woah what the fuck." Tsukki looked down at me from the window seat, I couldn't see his eyes but I know they're full of judgement. I put my palms to my head and tried to force myself back to reality.
"Bad dream." I mumbled.
"We're here." Sugawara said from the drivers seat. Daichi was sleeping soundly for the first time the whole trip.
"Where? All I see are trees." I asked, pushing my face against the window looking for any sign of civilisation. To my surprise I was greeted with the slam of a blood stained hand. "Oh shit!" I yelled, clambering back from the window. I watched as the hand slid slowly down the glass leaving a trail as it went like a snail.
"What was that?" Daichi asked, he was up and ready for attack before anyone even said a word.
"Suga stop!" Tsukkishima screamed and grabbed Suga by the shoulders. By sheer instinct Suga slammed on the breaks, sending me head first into the floor. My vision began to spin, sounds were just a muddle. I felt a shooting pain in my head only to notice the drip drip of the red juice falling from my forehead.
"They're surrounding us!" Kiyoko shouted. That was the first thing I made out.
"We don't have any weapons what are we gonna do?" Tsukkishima said, he had a somewhat calmness to his tone.
"Shit!" Daichi said, running to the steering wheel. That's when I finally pulled myself off the floor to see just how shit of a situation we were in. It must have been about five or six layers of zombies, the bus was physically rocking from the pressure on either side. "Everyone hold on!" Daichi shouted from the wheel, slamming his foot into the acceleration. We jolted forward causing me to stumble forward into the front of the bus. We barely got a few feet forward before we had come to a stop. I could heard the grinding of flesh beneath the tyres, I watched as the blood splattered onto the windscreen. I felt myself gag as an eyeball landed right in front of me.
"Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck!" Daichi shouted and battered his hand on the steering wheel.
"Hinata give me your iPod." Tsukkishima said sternly.
"Give me your stupid fucking iPod it doesn't even have any good songs on it anyways."
I pouted and chucked it into his hand. "Taylor Swift is good." I heard him scoff but he wasn't giving my opinion the time of day. He started playing the loudest song on the device he could and cranked up the volume.
"Daichi watch out." He said as he ran to the drivers side window, rolling the window down just enough to fit his slender hand through.
"Are you insane!? Stop it!" Sugawara said, trying his best to pull Tsukkishima back inside. But he was much stronger than him. With ease Tsukkishima chuckled the iPod into the woodland at the other side of the road. He was inches away from a bite when he pulled his hand back in, but still he didn't seem phased. It took a minute but soon, enough of the zombies had diverted their attention to the iPod and it gave Daichi enough room to drive.
"Now Daichi!" Tsukkishima shouted. On his command Daichi slammed into the accelerator once more and off we went, barely alive, but here we were. It took everyone a moment to moment to process what just happened. No one even spoke, we all just slowly went back to our seats in shock.
"Here." Tsukkishima handed me a fresh gauze. "For your head."
"Thanks." I smiled and took the offering willingly.
We arrived at the Daylight Owls base later that day. It felt like we were back to sawyer one again, rolling up unexpectedly to someone's gate to ask them to go to war with us. Hopefully this time though they wouldn't be "busy". Out of all of the bases I've ever been to, I think this is my favourite. They're located in a shopping mall and have transformed the place into a mini resort. You'd be surprised at how well defended the place is though. They made strong fences with chopped up shopping carts and have guards placed at every corner of the building. They even managed to get the CCTV up and running again. They have this place on lock. It was almost strange that we weren't met at the entrance by anyone. No one came out to greet us, or so we thought.
I don't think I got one foot in front of the other before I was grabbed from behind, everyone else was too. I looked over my shoulder to see men in what looked like SWAT uniforms, the brought us all to our knees in line with each other. It felt like something out of the Walking Dea- oh wait.
"What the fuc-" Tsukkishima was rudely interrupted with a swift punch to the face. The sound of blood splattering off the pavement sent chills down my spine. This was it. This is how we died.
That's when I heard the approaching footsteps of the heavy duty combat boots, followed by a more timid set of steps. I looked up to see two men walking towards us. The first boy that approached was clearly the leader. He was spiked silver and black hair that grew out from the roots like a bad haircut and was built like a tank. His shoulders could have been my entire arm span. And that was only the top half. The bottom half was hidden by a pair of baggy combat trousers. I don't want to even know how big his legs are. The second boy walked calmly behind, his eyes were so narrow I could have sworn he was stoned. He has short untamed black hair and walked with his hands in his pockets. They stopped in front of us almost in sync. The white haired boy's snarl turned into a grin as he scanned over us. As soon as he noticed Tsukkishima's almost broken jaw he flipped.
"Is that any way to treat our guests?!" He yelled, I could feel it in my chest it was so loud. Everyone remained silent, unsure of what to do. The man holding my by my throat bravely spoke up.
"You know these trespassers?" He laughed.
He didn't even look in his direction. But you could feel the tension radiating from him like a pheromone.
"Are you questioning me?" His neck crooked as he looked at him. "Are you!?" He yelled again. The man released me and I fell to the ground, catching myself before I smacked myself off the concrete.
"Bokuto-san" The other boy finally spoke. His tone was calming. It seemed to work for the man we now knew as Bokuto. This was the leader.
"Sorry Bokuto." Another man said. Finally we were all released and the men took a step back and removed their helmets.

"I'm sorry about that guys. Daichi! It's good to see you again." Bokuto shouts with excitement as he pulled Daichi into a tight embrace.
"Y-yeah. You too, and you Akaashi." He laughed breathlessly and smiled to the other boy.
"Why don't you guys join us for dinner and we can discuss whatever needs discussed over a good meal hmm?" Akaashi offered.
"We don't want to impose." Suga said, waving his hands in front of him.
"Don't be stupid! Come on!" Bokuto smiled and began walking inside.
We all looked at each other, shrugged and decided to follow him. We walked through the mall right up to the top floor. As we walked through I got the idea of just how many people were here. Everywhere I looked there were rooms filled with happy families living their lives out in this abandoned mall. To be honest it wasn't that bad of a space if I say so myself. We got to the top floor and made our way to the empty food court. My mouth drooled at the dust covered KFC and McDonalds signs. We sat around a bunch of tables that had been pushed together with some plastic cutlery and paper cups. I was even more surprised when I seen a fresh chicken sitting right in the middle of the table.
"Is that a chicken?" I mumbled in absolute shock.
"It is. We breed them here in the mall." Akaashi smirked.
"You're fucking kidding." Tsukkishima drooled. I could actually see his glasses fogging up from here.
"Dig in before it gets cold!"

Everyone sat around the table with their hands on their stomachs in silence. It had been a while since I had a meal like that.
"That was..." Suga started.
"Amazing." I finished.
"Well I'm sure you guys didn't come here for the food." Bokuto said, leaning forward into the conversation. His face suddenly becoming more serious as he looked us all in the eyes. "Why are you guys really here."
Daichi cleared his throat and struggled to find the words. I could feel his le shaking beneath the table. No one knew how Bokuto would react to our proposition. He was a loose canon.
"Well. We need help." He started. "We've found ourselves in a stuck situation with the Iron Eagles and we need to take them out."
"Fight? I love a good battle. We're in!" Bokuto stood up sending his chair across the tiled floor. Everyone was shocked at his quick decision. Even Akaashi was in disbelief.
"Bokuto think about this! This is the Iron Eagles we're taking about, not one of your zombie raids." Akaashi reasoned with him. But I didn't look like he was getting through to him.
"Are you joking!?" He shouted, slamming his heavy boot on the table causing the plates to rattle. "No one can fuck with me!" He laughed.
Akaashi and Suga gave eachother the "wtf" look and rolled their eyes. They both have to put up with a lot.
"Can I ask why?" Akaashi stepped in.
"They invaded us a fortnight ago and forced us into a trade deal. We've been left defenceless with almost no supplies, food or weapons. Plus they kidnapped one of our members."
"Who? Anyone I know?" Bokuto asked curiously, heading tilted to the side like a puppy.
"You wouldn't know him. His name was Kageyama." Tsukkishima said. Bokuto let out a sharp gasp.
"Tobio? Kageyama Tobio?" He said.
I jumped at the sound of his name. "How do you know him?" I said, placing my hands on the table.
"He was here a few months ago. We basically saved his life. We found him in the middle of a horde by himself. To this day I still don't know how he left alive. Anyways we took him back and he stayed here for a while but one morning we went to look for him but he was just gone." Akaashi said as he looked up at Bokuto and shrugged his shoulders.
We looked at eachother with guilt in our eyes. We knew why he was alive.
"That sounds like Kageyama alright." I chuckled to myself.
"Well the Iron Eagles have him prisoner. We know he was involved with them a while back as well. We think he was on the run." Daichi said. You could see him putting the pieces together in his head.
"That explains why he didn't stay here for long then. It must have taken him a lot to stay with you guys then. Who's the girlie?" He chuckled. He was soon silenced when everyone looked in my direction. I felt myself go red and my throat begin to swell.
"Oh." He whispered. "Then let's go get him!" He said enthusiastically.
"Thank you." Daichi said, standing up and bowing.

Two down, one to go...

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