Chapter 25 - This is Our Fight (Part 4/5)

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"Suga watch out!" Noya screams as the large squeaking door slides open and unleashes the deadly challenge they were about to overcome. From inside the small chamber jumped out an odd looking leaper. It appeared bigger than normal, its claws were longer and its head was twice its original size. It's eyes bulged from its head and his already decaying skin was a bleached white. Like nothing I'd ever seen before.
"I got it!" Tanaka shouted and his quick reflexes shot as the leaper. The bullet hit it right in the head, but it did not fall, it stopped moving, then let out an spine chilling screech that went through my ears and stained my mind.
"What the fuck? Tanaka you hit that, right?" Noya asked.
"Y-yeah! Right in the head, I'm sure of it." He responded.
"This must have been what Kageyama was talking about." Sugawara said as he watched the leaper run up the walls of the iron chamber.
"So this is a trap?" I ask.
"Not quite." Sugawara says. "My guess is they throw prisoners in her as test subjects to see how their 'creatures' play. It's probably an automatic lock. Even if we wanted out there's no way until we can find our own."
"So do how the hell are we gonna kill this thing? My bullet bounced right off it!" Tanaka said.
"We'll need to find a weak spot so split up and watch it!" Suga said.
As we were told, the group split in two and ran to either side of the room. When we got there, it was eerily quiet. We couldn't even hear each other breath. But then in the silence, a long, dragged out scratch scraped across the ceiling and echoed throughout the empty room. It sent chills down all of our spines and made the hair all over my body stand on end. The scratch was followed by a loud thump, then the stuttering of something in the darkness. At the other end of the hall we heard screaming and gun fire.
"What was that?" I shout across.
"I'm not sure how but we killed it!" Suga shouted.
"Shot it in the eye!" Tanaka shouts.
"Like a pro Ryuu!" Noya shouts.
Cheers and claps come from us all but soon die down when we heard a larger, heavier door slowly slide on its wheels to open a larger chamber at the back of the room. What emerged from that chamber was something that I hoped and prayed I've never have to see in my entire life time. Something I've only seen in my dreams.
"I-it can't be..." I mumble.
"Fucking Run!"

Front Line Squad - Kuroo's POV

We made it to the second floor with still no sign of any of the Iron Eagle members. With Akashi's clear warning were being very careful about who we meet, and walking around in silence, listening for any noise we hear.
The second floor has lights so it's easier for us to see, and to our advantage, there's mirrors in the corners so we can see who's coming at all times.

Just as we're nearing the end of the hall we hear the synced footsteps of a small group of men making their way towards us. I glance at the mirror and am not surprised when I see five men, just like Akashi described heading our way. I turn to Bokuto and give him directions with my fingers. He nods and leaves the group, quietly sneaking down a neighbouring hallway.

The soldiers come face to face with us and point their guns right at our noses.
"Drop your weapons, now and no one gets hurt." One mumbles through his helmet.
"Now gentlemen. We're just here for a visit!" I say sarcastically.
"Drop you weapons!" The same guy shouts.
Just as he does a small pebble tip taps it's way over from the other side of the room. They notice it and turn in the direction it came from.
"Who threw th-"
I shoot the first guard in the back and the bullet goes straight through. Before the others have a chance to turn around everyone else is already on them, firing their guns straight into them making them drop one by one the hard floor. The room falls silent once more and Bokuto emerges from the shadows.
"Didn't think they'd be so scared of a pebble..." Bokuto says with a large grin on his face.
I smirk back at him and give him a high five then look at the five bodies in front of us. There's one guy just clinging for life, I grab him and then him over and pull him into my face. "Where do they hold the prisoners?!" I shout.
"I'm not telling you anything..." he pushes out.
I pull out my pistol and point it to his head. "Tell me...and I won't kill you." I say.
The guard looks at the gun, then back at me. "Okay, on this floor, back from where we came. You can't miss it." He says.
"Thanks." I say and fire the bullet into his head letting his dead body flop to the ground.
"I thought you weren't going to kill him." Daichi says.
"News flash...I lied." I reply.

Defence Squad - Hinata's POV

We run around in circles screaming for our lives. We're so clueless at this point. Chasing us, was, what we like the call, thumper. He's the most dangerous breed of zombie alive. He's 9 foot tall and just the same wide. His arms are huge and muscles are oversized. He can lift absolutely anything and throw boulders the size of cars. They're the no.1 thing to fear and there's no getting past one alone. If this is what they're like without experimentation, i don't want to know what they've done to this one.

Suga pulls his walkie talkie from his pocket and starts screaming into it. "Tsukishima any way you could get a bomb in here!? Like now!!!" He shouted.
"Yes I think so, there's a hatch on the roof right?" He calmly responds.
"Y-yeah!" Suga shouts.
"Alright, I'm on my way up there now with a Pipe Bomb." He says, and the other end turns to white noise.
"Guys get into a group now! There's a bomb coming in!" Suga shouts.
With that, everyone huddles into a group and we run together until we hear the trap door above us click open and the beeping of the pipe bomb enter the room. We all stop running and join together as far away from the bomb as possible. The red light flashes and Thumper becomes distracted. He heavily stomps the the light and starts attacking the bomb, we pray that it won't break in the process but thankfully a loud bang and the ringing of my ears tells me it went off.
We all stumble to our feet and sigh in relief. No more doors open and all that's left in the chamber now is us.
"Hey Tsukki." Suga says breathlessly into the walkie talkie whilst shaking his ear trying to get his hearing back.
"Already on it." Tsukki replies and the door the the chamber slowly opens again. We're finally out and can continue with the mission.

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