Chapter 12 - Leapers

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Hinata is looking at me, not in a good way. His mouth is still open and the smallest amount of saliva still hanging from his mouth. His face is dusted red and his eyes never seem to blink. We just kissed, neither of us know how it happened or what triggered it. I can't read his face and the only thing I could think of doing was apologise.
"Hinata i'm s-"
"Don't apologise..." Hinata says, now looking at the ground.
"What does that mean?" I asked.
"By saying sorry you're making this out to be a regrettable thing, unless that's what you want?" He says, slightly looking up at me.
"N-no..but I didn't" I struggle to get my sentences, I'm still shocked at what just happened. I kissed Hinata. My brain can't even begin to comprehend.
"I'm gay." He suddenly says.
"H-Hinata! So forward..." I say with a definite look of shock on my face.
"Alright, looks like you're not..." Hinata said quietly. He stood and bent over into a bow. "I'm sorry for kissing you, Kageyama." He turned to walk away but barely got one foot in front of the other before I latched onto his wrist and pulled him back into my arms. I lifted his chin slowly and connected our lips once more. This time, using tongue to grasp his full attention. I wrapped my arms around him and held him close. I don't know why this felt so right but I did. Hinata didn't hesitate to kiss back and when we finally parted to catch our breaths he had this weird expression, almost like he was confused.
"Do I need to say sorry for kissing you?" I said with a smile.
"So you're...?"
"Don't make me say it...I don't know. I just know I...I like you." I flushed red and looked off to the side. It was only coincidence that I seen someone or something lurking in the bushes. At first I assumed it was some kind of animal. "Get back..." I whispered. I push Hinata behind my back with one hand and use the other to take my knife out of my pocket. I listened carefully to the cracking of twigs and cracking of dry leaves of whatever is lurking behind the bushes.
"I'm stronger than you." Hinata whisper shouted, obviously offended that I'd put him behind me. The noise suddenly became louder, making it's way towards us. I tightened my grip on the knife and slowly start making my way towards the unknown noise. Before I even had time to respond a leaper jumped at me and pinned me to the ground.

Special Class, Leaper: A special zombie known for being able to jump incredible heights and pin any target to the ground. It's appearance is incredibly white skin, very skinny, bald head and white eyes.

"Hinata!" I yelled. My panic overcame me instantly. I was not expecting this. My knife skidded across the ground out of my reach. I looked back up at the creature on top of me, it's white eyes piercing into mine. A large drop of spit splashing on my forehead. Despite it's fragile body it's strength was impeccable. I just couldn't shake it. I felt myself shaking as it came closer to my face, it's mouth widened, ready to take a chunk out of my neck. But right on time. Hinata knocked the leaper off of me with a thick piece of wood. It rolled off me onto the ground, a trail of blood following. As if that wasn't enlightened Hinata repeated smashed the wood into its skull, letting its brains spill out onto the floor. I felt myself gag.
"Thanks..." I said, catching my breath. "How did a leaper get all the way down here, you only find them down in the south."
"I'm not sure, but we need to get Daichi. Now." Hinata said, dropping the stick and running back towards town. I follow quickly behind, holding his hand as I run.

"You're telling me a leaper, the zombies that are incredibly rare and can only be found in the south, are here?" Daichi asks. As soon as me and Hinata got back to town we brought Daichi back to the body and told him exactly what happened. "Something isn't right"
"Yes, we think it's the only one but we're not sure. I think it would be a good idea if we got everyone inside and order a search." Hinata said. He was cute when he took charge.
"Alright. Sugawara, get everyone back to their homes and send Tsukki over here right away"
"Yes Sir." Sugawara said and immediately headed back to the crowd. Not long after Tsukishima joined us and I formally met him for the first time.

Tsukishima Kei (Nickname: Tsukki)

Age: 17

Role: Soldier Commander

Family?: One brother survivor

"Hello..." Tsukishima said. I nod and look him up and down, he's slightly taller than me which pisses me off. He has that look about him which makes him look friendly but he has that look in his eye that says "fuck with me and you're dead." I looked up at him as he adjusted his glasses. This guy pisses me off.
"This is Tsukishima, he's the soldier commander and will be ordering you from here on out for the time being. Listen and do everything he says." Daichi said. He then began to explain the situation to Tsukkishima. He looked back at me with zero expression.
"Kageyama?" He said.
"Come with me." He ordered, and starts running towards the armoury. I look back at Hinata and give him a warm smile before following Tsukishima off into the dark night. We arrive at the armoury and i'm suited with a full set of body armour and a gun. A couple others including Yamaguchi entered the building.
"Yamaguchi get the trackers." Tsukishima ordered. Yamaguchi nodded and headed off into storage, leaving me in a room with 5 fully armoured soldiers. The whole situation was making me incredibly nervous and I was beginning to become worried. "Alright, everyone here, now." All the men gathered around Tsukishima. Me included. "There's been a leak and leapers have some how fought their way into the complex and we don't know if there's more. Most of you know how stealthy these zombies are and they're deadly, they'll rip you to shreds if one pounces on you. We need to do a full search of the town and I want zero deaths got it? Kageyama you're new to the team but we have rules. Do everything I say, don't try to be a hero and go saving everyone, we're a team and there's no I in team alright? Now let's go!" He shouted and we all grab our guns and left the building.
"Move out!" Tsukishima shouts

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