Chapter 9 - A Soldier

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We travelled the whole way back to town together. Atlas kept running ahead and catching rodents lurking in the bushes. We were all exhausted, hungry and thirsty and we'd only been walking for an hour. We'd be back in town by morning at this rate. Now that I think about it this is the first time me and Hinata have actually been alone together. I still know almost nothing about him, I don't even know his first name. But of course that would be rude of me to ask.
"Tell me about yourself. Like how you ended up where you are now. You know my story, tell me yours." I said, trying to strike up a conversation.
"Well, my story is quite boring compared to yours, that group i'm with, most of us attended a school called Karasuno High. We were all on the volleyball team together and we were just having practise when it all happened. We heard sirens, lots of them. We didn't know what to do so we went to look for teachers but everyone was already gone. We heard explosions and gun shots coming from town. We knew it wouldn't be safe to go back so we decided to wait it out just outside town. But then we seen news reports and we realised what happened. None of us knew who had made it. It was Daichi and Suga who looked after us all. They fed us and kept us safe, but then tsukki couldn't take it anymore. He didn't know where his parents and brother were and he stormed out to look for them. We all obviously followed. When we got to town it was a war zone. Fire and burnt down buildings, rubble and dead bodies everywhere. At that point everyone lost it and went running in different directions to look for their families. I went straight to my house which was further up in the mountains. Luckily my mom and little sister were still there and I was able to bring them with me. I brought them back to Suga and Daichi  and eventually everyone joined with eachother again. Although, not many could find their parents, they were either dead or had been evacuated.  Tsukki was the only one who was able to find any part of his family. He found his brother but his mom had been infected. We took whoever we had and got as far away from the Town as possible. We found this place and built it up ourselves. We take in pretty much anyone who comes to us for help and it's been like this for the past 2 years." He said. I was surprised at how he'd coped. I felt bad for him, unlike me he had so many people around him.
"Wait so you're what age?" I asked. That question had been on my mind for a while.
"17" He replied. "And you?"
"I think I just turned 18" I
"Wow, I thought you were way older." He said in shock.
"Why?" I asked
"You're tall."
"No, you're just short"
"Don't you think I know that!" He barked. I sniggered and looked away to try cover it but it obviously didn't help. "Oh so you can smile" He smirked.
"What are you trying to say?!" I yell, making him burst out laughing. I couldn't help but laugh too. This was the most i'd smiled in forever. It felt good. "So what are we gonna do when we get back to town." I asked.
"Well, we're gonna make you an official citizen firstly." He says giving me a sharp glare indicating that I don't have a choice. "Then we're gonna get you a job." He said.
"A job? What kind of job?" I couldn't help but feel exited that I would have some sort of responsibility for the town.
"Like...scavenger or pantry worker, that kind of thing." He replied.
"Ah, okay. I don't want to work in the pantry." I mumbled.
"You want to be a scavenger?" he asked
"Well yeah, it's what i've been doing the last two years of my life."  I said. "It would make sense."
"I'll see what I can do."


After walking, breaks and more walking we got back to town by dawn. Surprisingly lots of people were up and doing their daily chores. As soon as we got through the gates Sugawara came running to us.
"Oh my god you're okay!" He exclaimed, hugging both of us. "Hinata you little brat don't run off on me ever again!" He said, gripping onto his shoulders tightly and shaking him like a doll. I stood awkwardly and looked around me, completely lost. "Ah. Sorry Kageyama, it's nice to see you back and well, and i'm happy you decided to come back to us." He smiled.
Suga led us back to the office where Daichi would be and Hinata sat next to me.
"Kageyama! So you've decided to stay?" He smiled, keeping his professional look about him.
"Yes. I thought it would be best for me and I could have a fresh start." I said. Only telling half the truth.
"I'm glad to hear that." He smiled. "As Hinata has explained there's jobs for everyone in the town, it's necessary to keep this town alive, and based on your previous life and experiences I think it would be a good idea to make you a scavenger."
"That's fine with me." I reply. I'm glad to help."
"But, there's one more job i'd like you to do." Daichi smirked.
"Two jobs?" Hinata asks, now leaning forward in his chair with his elbows on his knees.
"Yes, i'd like you to be a soldier Kageyama" He said proudly.
"S-soldier?!" Hinata yelled, standing up. "You mean like the kind of stuff Tsukki does!? That's ridiculous! He'll get himself killed!"
"Hinata sit down and calm yourself. He'll receive training and i've seen him with a gun. He's got what it takes." Daichi said.
"Are you sure you want me to be a soldier? I'm not that skilled." I spat, just the thought of more combat worried me greatly.
I'm sure. I know you've got what it takes to be a soldier. You put your life on the line to protect Hinata from the explosion. That's what a soldier should do."

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