Chapter 7 - Chipped

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Although we'd been shooting for quite some time now, more and more zombies kept piling up on us, now there's almost double what we started with. I couldn't tell what was attracting them more. The sound of gunshots or the constant screaming. Turns out some idiot forgot to lock the gate and that's what's caused this whole fucked up situation. Fortunately there had been no casualties yet but we have a long way to go. Hinata was infront of me with his SMG and I stood in front with my pistol. By this stage i'd gotten used to the feeling of shooting the gun. I'd killed about a dozen zombies but made very little impact. The group had dispersed and Hinata and I had found ourselves down a quiet alleyway, not far from the town centre. The horde was close by, we were just waiting for them to show up. Hinata poked his head around the corner, sticking the tip of his gun out with it. The horde slowly walked past us, not knowing our whereabouts. I noticed Tsukishima and that other boy he's always with at the other side of the road, I think he was holding some kind of explosive. I studied him closely and he too noticed me. His face dropped.
"Kageyama!" Hinata shouted, his gaze focusing behind me. I spun around to be face to face with a zombie. It was taller than me, and the smell. He was eyeing me up like a meal. Before I even had time to react It grabbed my head and went for my neck, In an attempt to push it off me I dropped my gun but the sheer size of the zombie toppled me to the ground. I let out a scream of terror then a gunshot followed. The corpse of the once zombie flopped onto my body. I cringed and threw it off me, grabbed my gun and turned to Hinata. His face was pale.
"Focus!" His voice shook. I nodded and turned back to the horde. They knew where we were now and a small portion of them were heading for us. "Back...this way!" Hinata screamed. We both ran to the back of the alleyway and climbed onto a dumpster. I gave Hinata a boost up to one of the fire escapes and then followed. We managed to escape, but the odds were against us at this point.
We made our way back to the street and met Sugawara and Daichi.
"Tsukkishima! Now!" Daichi shouted.
I looked at Tsukkishima, he was crouched behind a bush across from the horde. He was in bomb squad armour and with a flat face he put his helmet and lifted a piece of scrap metal from the floor. He took the explosive in his other hand and ran into the horde.
"Hinata what's he doing! They'll rip him apart!" I shouted, watching Tsukishima disappear into the horde. "He'll die!"
"He's fine, he's done this before. Now get down!" Hinata screamed, pulling me to the ground. We were face to face on the ground and I was looking at his face. He covered his ears and closes his eyes, like a little lost kid. It gets my train of thought running, how old exactly is this guy? Before I knew it the bomb went off, I was blasted forward into Hinata sending us both into a wall. My body shielding him from the rubble and parts of zombie flying into us. My ears started ringing and my vision went blurry. I couldn't feel anything. I couldn't tell if I was just going in and out of consciousness or if the sky was going dark. I felt two small hands on either shoulder, shaking me rapidly. 
"Kageyama?! Kageyama!? Can you hear me?" His voice was muffled and it's hard to make out. I passed out one last time, and the ringing stopped.

I woke up in the infirmary, my body was sore and my head was still spinning. I looked around me and noticed that It was now dark out. I didn't know how the fight ended, did everyone survive? I sat up and immediately regretted it.
"Agh!" I let out, and as if on cue Sugawara and Kiyoko walked through the door.
"Kageyama! You're awake! That's great!" He smiled and walked over to the bed taking my hand in his.
"What happened?" I asked quietly.
"You and Hinata were too close to the bomb, you lost consciousness shortly after it went off."
"Wait is Hinata alright?"
"He's fine, you blocked most of the damage for him."
" long have I been out for?"
"A few days" He smiles.
"A few days!?" I yelled, sitting up again and giving myself a light head. Daichi walked through the door a few seconds later with a big smile on his face with Atlas following behind him.
"Kageyama, nice to see you awake." He says, sitting on the bed next to me. "There's a few things we need to talk about."
I sigh because I already know what this is about. "Yes?" I say
"When Kiyoko was looking over you for injuries and things like that, she noticed something on your body. Would you know what we're talking about?"
I had an idea. At first I thought he was bust referring to the small tattoo I had on my left bicep. It was small but it was there. It was a small eagle head, it represented the time I was "held" with the iron eagles. They forced me to get it and it never quite healed because I can still feel a small bump underneath it.
"The tattoo?" I ask.
"Not only the tattoo, but the chip contained inside it."

"You're part of the Iron Eagles?" He asks, his expression now becoming serious.
"N-no...they took me prisoner a while back, I escaped after about 2 months..." As I said all this a flood of memories came back to me.


"W-why are you hurting me!" I scream, my hands tied roughly behind my back. The room was dark and all I could see was the whites of their smirks. It's been a month since I got here. The first week I was treated like royalty then one morning I woke up like this, ever since I've been getting beaten every day and dragged by my hair everywhere I go.
"How else would we get our fun little raven?" The group of men laughed and left the room, leaving me bleeding and bruised.

I want to die...

A few weeks later I escaped, I had to kill three people to do it. But I still escaped. It was the early hours of the morning and I just ran. I kept running until my feet bled, kept running until my chest was about to collapse in on itself. I tripped over a log and fell face first into what I hoped was mud. My fists clenched and I just screamed. Everything had just gotten so much worse. All I wanted was a home, a family. But in reality I lost the only real family I had left. Atlas. As I sobbed into the mud a small German Shepard puppy whimpered in my ear. I looked up, yes, it was him. He was reduced to skin and bones but it was him. I reached out and pulled him into my chest. Sobbing more and more and the seconds passed.
That's the day I decided I didn't need anyone else, I'll never make a friend or trust anyone ever again.


"Prisoner? That must have been rough..." Sugawara says, squeezing my hand tightly.
"How do we know you're not lying." Daichi said. "You could be an infiltrator." He slammed his fist down on the bed. Sugar grabbed his arm.
"Daichi please, look at him." Suga said softly.
"So wait, Hinata wasn't the one who told you about-" I stop my words, knowing he'll be punished if they find out he knew. But then that means, he didn't tell them that I knew the Iron Eagles. "N-nevermind, so the chip was removed?"
"Yes, we had it removed and Hinata left town to go bury it far away from here."
"D-do you know why they chip people? And why haven't they come for me all this time if I was chipped."
"Well, Iron Eagles are a scary group, they kill for fun, it was extremely dangerous you being here with that chip in you. They chip as like...a claiming thing. To make sure people know they're theirs, and the only reason we knew you had been chipped was because every single person in their group is chipped, then that tattoo is put around the chip. We know that from a past experience, but that's all for another time! It's just a relief we found it now and were able to get it out before they found us." Daichi says, standing up. "I'm sure you need rest. Sleep well and come back soon. Oh! And you don't need to tell me anything anymore, I know enough and you're a good guy, we trust you. You're free to leave whenever you like." With that the three leave the room and i'm left alone.

"Free to...leave?"

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