Chapter 11 - A Night Around the Campfire

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It was pretty late into the afternoon, the sun was just starting to set and the sky was turning a beautiful red. I was just starting to settle down for the evening when I heard the footsteps and screams of children outside. I got up and looked out of my window to see everyone out of their homes and heading into the centre of town. Kids and adults alike all heading in the same direction with smiles on their faces. That's when Hinata arrived at my door.

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"Kageyama! Open Up!" He yelled from the other side of the wooden door. I casually open the door and am greeted by an over-excited Hinata.
"What's going on?" I ask
"It's campfire night! Come on let's go!" Hinata says, and without a second thought he grabs my hand and drags me outside into the warm night. Atlas follows not too far behind. We run into the middle of town, there's a large grassy area filled with chairs and the smell of food circulated the area. Pretty much the whole town was out here and chairs soon started to fill up. Hinata also dragged me into a seat. Smack in the middle of the commotion was a large campfire, shining beauty orange and yellows that reflected off the star riddled sky.
"Hinata, I still don't know whats going on." I said.
" basically every couple months the whole town have a campfire night when we grill food and make smores and play games! It's my favourite part of living here and it keeps the community a happy place." He replied.
"Seems fun" I said, looking around. I notice Sugawara and Daichi cooking up some meat on the other side of the green, Kiyoko and Yachi aren't too far away either, filling trays with stacks of burgers. "B-burgers?" I say out-loud by accident. Hinata burst out laughing and I snap back into reality.
"Kageyama! You're drooling! How long has it been since you've had a proper burger!?" Hinata laughs. I wipe the drool coming from my mouth and cover my red face.
"Longer than you think." I said. I could already feel my stomach screaming for that sweet meat.
Soon enough everyone was here and the food was served. When my share was eventually brought round my heart stopped. A full burger with cheese, onions, lettuce, tomatoes and a side of fresh potato wedges.

"Ah- Thank you!" I said, taking the food and instantly digging in. I can sense Hinata staring at me so I glance over but his head quickly turns. Atlas was also given a small piece of meat to munch on.
"Enjoying the food?" He asks without looking at me.
"Y-yeah..." I say with a full mouth. My teeth sank into the tender meat, so many old flavours I forgot existed swirled around my tastebuds. I could feel the warm grease dripping down my fingers and the dripping tomato sauce that was leaking out of the burger. I was truly in my element. Within minutes my plate was empty and my stomach was full. I didn't even get time to digest because soon after Hinata was dragging me closer to the fire. Everyone gathered with long sticks in their hands. Hinata handed me a stick with a bright smile on his face. The warmth of the flames causing my cheeks to heat up as I looked at him. The orange light danced off his light freckles and his whole ambiance screamed orange. I couldn't help but admire him. This whole friend thing is so weird. Yamaguchi brought around crackers and Yachi brought around some marshmallows. Sadly they didn't have enough chocolate for everyone so only the best of the best got a piece. There was like a whole ceremony for it and everything, it was kind of funny to be honest. Daichi took his place in the centre of the circle and held the bar in his hand like it was some kind of award.
"Firstly, i'd like to thank everyone for coming out tonight. Was the food good?" He says. Everyone chants "Yes" together and a few whistles and claps come from the crowd of about 50 people. "Alright good! Because that took one hell of an effort to find!" Some laughs emerge from the audience and I chuckle slightly myself. "So, as you know, chocolate is one of the hardest things to find these days so we can't give everyone a piece sadly. But we do give those who have done good a piece as thanks for their work. So...firstly can I ask Tsukishima to come up and receive a peice, for being brave and running into a horde during an attack and placing a bomb, wiping out most of the zombies. Thank you Tsukishima!" The whole crowd copies Daichi and yells. "Thank you Tsukki!" as he goes up to collect his piece. He has a slight smile on his face as he took his chocolate. He held it close and looked at it in awe as he returned to his chair. "Next, i'd like to bring up Kiyoko for her excellent improvement in First Aid and saving the life of someone very special to me. I don't know if any of you know about this, but recently Sugawara experienced a serious gun wound to the shoulder and if it wasn't for her...he wouldn't be here now. So...Thank you Kiyoko!" Again everyone chanted back and Kiyoko took her share with a big smile and giggles. "Lastly as a warm welcome I'd like to offer the last piece to one of the newest additions in our community. I'd like you all to get to know him some more. He's been an absolute delight here so far and has been through hell and back to get here. We want him to know he's welcome and we're all going to be his family. So, Kageyama can you come up here." Lots of people turn and look at me, I didn't realise he was talking about me until he said my name. I was surprised that he wanted me to go up, I hadn't done anything special. I got up and Hinata slapped my back (a little too close to my ass for my liking) as I stood up and I walked over to Daichi. "This guy rignt here, escaped the Iron Eagles...i've never heard of anyone who's survived them, so he deserves this last piece. Congratulations Kageyama." Everyone repeats one last time and I feel a small smile creep onto my face as I take the chocolate. I also feel embarrassed so I rush back to my seat with Hinata.
"Kageyama you're so lucky!" Hinata says, staring at the piece of chocolate.
"Here, you can have it." I say, handing Hinata the brown square.
"What? No way I can't!" He say's refusing to take it. I grab his hand and place the chocolate inside, then closing it over and nodding.
"Take it." I smiled. I don't know why I was feeling so generous. Especially towards him.
"At least half it with me?"
"Fine..." Hinata breaks the already small square and gives me half. We both place it inside our smores and enjoy the sweet taste for as long as we can. To finish off the night some music is played and everyone gets up to have a dance. I already had a sore head from the music and Hinata seems to notice. A bunch of kids came and took Atlas to play with him so now it's just us.
"Hey, let's go somewhere a little more quiet ok?" He says, taking my hand and pulling me away. We walked for a few minutes, not too far from the crowd but far enough away to drown out the music. We ended up at a small pond lit with dim lamps. The sound of crickets soothed me greatly and I could finally relax.
"You really are know that?" Hinata said, catching my attention.
"Huh? Oh...well not really..." I say, blushing at the comment.
"You inspire me..."
"Inspire you? Me?"
"Mhmm!" He smiles, somehow this smile seems sad, not like a real smile but a fake one. Like there's something holding him back.
"Hey are you okay?" I ask, placing my hand on top of his for comfort. I don't know what came over me but the sight of him unhappy made my stomach do a flip.
"Y-yeah I just...It makes me sad thinking what you went through, I couldn't have done it and it makes me so angry because of what they did to you, to us. They have no right to hurt anyone like that. Especially you. You've been through enough." I feel his hand clench underneath mine and a grasp it tight.
"You're pretty brave too."
"How? Me? Brave? Hah..." Hinata said. I saw his eyes looking up at me in the darkness.
"You and your entire team came here and built this town from scratch, there's no way I could have done that, you all worked together and made this amazing community, and if it wasn't for you i'd still be lying in that store all alone just waiting for death. So thank you Hinata, for saving me..."
Hinata doesn't respond, he doesn't move. He just looks at me with the biggest eyes and red cheeks. This is the most innocent i've ever seen him. We share this longing look with each other...but it's soon broken by something i never thought would happen...not in a million years...
For the first time I feel like I've really made a connection with someone. I feel like I've made a friend who knows me despite the little time we've known each other. I feel like just maybe I feel more for this person than I first intended. I don't know if it's the intensity of the situation or if it's just me. But I'm really enjoying Hinata's company. I want more.
Like our minds are connected, like we both knew exactly what the other was thinking we lean into each others grasp and our mouths connect. We share a passionate kiss, my heart beating at a hundred beats a second. I feel him grip onto my shirt and I hold his cheeks with my hands.

What's happening?

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