Chapter 21 - My Hidden Smirk

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This is it. Only a few nights from now, before the sun rises. We attack. All teams are on board and we're more than ready now. All that's left to do is male out a plan, and that will be the hardest part.

As far as I'm concerned our only goal is to kill everyone inside. Everyone who isn't Kageyama. If I had the choice I would watch the life drain from all of their eyes. Over and over again. Despite my own ideas, everyone else had other intentions. We never once underestimated their power, and kept that in mind as we huddled over the ground plan of their base sprawled across the table. Earlier while we were away we had a small team head out towards the base with a drone and get a birds eye view of the the location. Yamaguchi can be thanked for that.

After some discussion we decided it would be best to create teams. Each time would have different responsibilities and a different plan of attack.

There were the hackers, bombers, snipers, front line and defence. Of course, they put me on defence with some other guys from the different groups. I argued with Daichi over this for hours. I should be on front line, looking for Kageyama but everyone felt I wasn't strong enough. To be honest when you put me beside guys like Kuroo and Bokuto it does make sense that I fall behind.

Today marks the second week since the arrival. The iron eagles are back for their second visit. Luckily, we prepared for it. A few days prior we took all the guns the other groups had given us and hid them in the forest to make sure they couldn't just barge in and take them all. The hardest part now was keeping the secret sealed.

I watched behind pinched eyelids as the flashy trucks rolled through the gates once again, their tires throwing dust through the warm spring air. To my surprise, the man himself was sitting behind the wheel of the first truck. Ushijima steps out onto the dirty tarmac with blood stained boots and approaches us slowly. I kept my cool. My face straight. Keeping eye contact with him as he towered over me. I would not allow myself to break down in front of him.
He looked down at me and smirked. "I brought your little friend along today." I felt my heart drop into my stomach, allowing my composure to crumble for a second.
I cleared my throat. "What's it to me?" I smirked back at him, clenching my fist behind my back. I know he didn't really have him with him. This was another one of his ways to try pick at me.
"What's gotten into you?" He smiled with inquisitive eyes. "Tendo!" He shouted over his shoulder.
"Boss." Tendo shouted back.
"Open my door."
I watched as Tendo ran to the back doors of Ushijima's truck. Undoing the lock and letting it swing open in the wind. There was nothing more I wanted to see than Kageyama sitting there, alive. He may be tied up, but atleast alive. But that's not what I seen at all. In the back of the truck, was nothing but a blood covered sheet, laid neatly over what looked like a body lying flat on its back. Lifeless. I felt my throat close over, sick rising and causing me to choke and splutter into the grass behind me.
"That's more like it." Ushijima laughed. Giving me a slap on the back and turning to walk away.
"That's not him." I panted, trying to regain my composure.
"Wanna bet?" He said, turning back to Tendo and giving him a nod. Tendo slowly pulled back the sheet, all I needed to see was his soft black hair before I turned away. Suga grabbed my and pulled me close to him.
"Take what you want and leave already!" He shouted.
"Yes Ma'am." Ushijima taunted.
Taking one look back at the truck I saw the body now on it's side, one tired blue eye peering at me from the darkness of the trailer. Not freaking out, I smiled softly at him, making sure he seen me before the doors closed once again.
"Well, cya layer Shrimpy."
"Yeah, see ya soon..." I smirked back at him. I saw the confusion strike him. But watched as he shook it off.

We'll be seeing you sooner than you think.

Only three days of preparation left, and tomorrow we were leaving to meet up with the other teams at the Daylight Owls' place. Although today Kenma was arriving for a short stay. Kiyoko and Yachi were staying behind and Kenma too. Despite this Kenma played a big part in the mission. According to Kuroo, Kenma is the brain behind this whole operation. His knowledge from the hundreds of games he's played over the years helped with the planning for the actual mission. My guess was that he had been in a lot of meetings this week.

Once Kenma was safe and sound in the most secure apartment in the complex (by Kuroo's orders). I ran back to my apartment to began my own prep for the journey. The trip would take roughly two days, that includes the length we have to walk just to get to the base from the cars. We thought it would be safer to park far enough away to be undetected. We were going to see them before they seen us, and if all went well, they wouldn't see us at all. I grab a dirty rucksack from under my bed and throw it on top of the messy sheets. Leaving dirty stains over the crisp white duvet. I packed the necessities, a knife (in case of an emergency) a spare change of clothes for Kageyama, water and animal crackers. Even throwing in an extra bag for when we see Kags. I could feel myself begin to smile, the thought of actually saving him and getting him out of this hole of a situation felt unreal. But it didn't take long for the nerves to kick in after that.
This time, there was a lot more than just five of us going, this was a far bigger mission than I had ever faced, almost all of our main crew was heading out on this mission. The town was basically being left defenceless, but we were risking it all at this point. The crew from the Fallen Crows was, Daichi, Sugawara, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Tanaka, Noya, Asahi, Me and of course Atlas. We decided to bring him along for the ride, if anyone deserved to see a Kageyama first it was him. Not to mention he's a good fighter. We had Kiyoko make him his own bullet proof vest and everything. With everything planned for the next three days, all that's left to do, is wait.

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