Chapter 17

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Hi guys! I'm sorry for not updating an a few weeks! I've had a lot going on with school and family things. 😓 But, I figured writing could help with my depression and stuff. I used to write all of the time when I was depressed and it helped a lot. So, I'm going to start doing that again! Plus it means more updates for you guys! 🖤 Be sure to follow me for update times on my stories! Keep being great!

I sighed and huffed as I flopped down on my bed sleepily. My dad, Ryan, and Chris worked on bringing my bags and everything up to my room since I was so tired. I couldn't sleep on the plane last night for some reason so I had just listened to music the entire flight. I yawned for the millionth time, closing my eyes. A few moments passed before something furry was dat on my face but fell off, letting out a huff. I opened my eyes to see mine and Chris' puppy we adopted a couple of months ago. We had ended up naming her Electric because of her electric blue eyes. She has grown a fair amount these past couple of months but she was still as cute as could be. I told my dad on my birthday about me wanting to move in with Chris, making him ask me why. I ended up having to tell him about us being together and he didn't take it well. He had barely spoken to Chris or I since. I was hurt he was so upset but I was still happy he didn't kick Chris out of the band. I'm the trip, he ended up making Ricky and me switch roommates but Chris and I still saw each other every day, my dad, of corse, following us constantly. It had gotten a bit annoying really. I know he doesn't want me to get hurt, but he needs to trust that I know what I'm doing. I love Chris. He loves me. Dad should understand that.

I watched as Chris walked into my room with his amazing smile planted on his face. "You should get some sleep, baby." He said softly as he sat on the side of my bed, petting Electric with me. I yawned again and nodded sleepily. "Lay with me please?" I asked and he nodded with a small chuckle. "We can start looking for a place together tomorrow." He said and I smiled. I moved over a bit as he kicked off his shoes and took mine off for me since I was too tired. He crawled beside me and laid down, pulling me against his side. I curled up against him as Electric crawled over me and laid herself on top of him too. He chuckled at the situation and I smiled softly, another yawn escaping my lips. "I love you." Chris said softly and I mumbled an 'I love you' back as he played with my hair, lulling me to sleep.

I woke up to yelling downstairs and Electric curled into my side. I kissed her nose and she looked at me before licking my cheek. I patted her head gently before I got up, going down to where the yelling was. As I got closer, I could hear it was my dad and Chris. I listened silently, being the sneaky person I am. "Devin, I fucking love her! I'm not going to leave or hurt her!" I heard Chris yell. I then heard an angry snicker. "Oh please. You forget I know you, Cerulli. I told you paws off Hayden when she first showed up. I told all of you guys. Vinny crushed on her when she first showed up but he had the respect to obey my one rule. You aren't good for her Chris, not to mention your age difference. You're almost fucking 30 years old. Hayden is fucking 18." He said and I felt the tears welling in my eyes begin to spill. "I could fucking have you arrested for being with her before she was 18." My dad spat. "Then fucking do it, Devin. It's not going to change how I feel about her." Chris spat back. I heard my dad's dry and humorless laugh before I heard moving in the living room and his voice again. "I'd like to have this guy arrested for being with my daughter before she was of age." I heard his say before he paused and spoke again. "30." He said. I couldn't believe he was doing this to me. I ran back up the stairs and slammed my room door, grabbing the nearest thing and throwing it across the room. It just so happened to be a picture of me and my dad. The frame shattered and I sunk my back against the door, sobbing.

There was a knock on my door and the handle jiggled but I had locked it. "Babe, it's Chris. Let me in." He spoke, his voice shaking. I moved away from the door and unlocked it. He opened it quickly, rushing over to me and hugging me to him tightly. "I'm not letting them take you." I sobbed into his chest as I hung onto him for dear life. I looked up at him as he brushed my hair from my face and saw he was crying too. "Hayden, you can't do anything to stop this. Devin obviously wants me gone." He spoke softly, his voice shaking. "I know you heard.." he trailed off and I nodded slightly, biting my lip to keep a sob in again. "I love you Hayden, I want you to know that." He said as he placed his hand on my cheek and pressed his forehead to mine. "When this is all over, I'll come back to you. I promise." He whispered as sirens were heard from a distance, getting louder and louder. I nodded as more tears fell from my eyes. "I don't want them to take you , Chris." I whispered. He sighed as he lifted my chin up and made me look into his eyes. "I will see you again." He said before he pressed his lips to mine. More tears fell as our lips moved in sync before someone barged into the room and ripped him away from me. I screamed and tried to run after him but another guy held me back as I kicked and screamed, crying for Chris. I finally got out of his grip and ran down the stairs and out of the house to see a cop talking to my dad and Chris being handcuffed and shoved into the back seat of a cop car before it drove off. I fell to my knees screaming and crying, feeling my chest tighten and my stomach churn as my head spun. After awhile, the other cops left and my dad came over to me. He knelt down next to me, putting his hand on my shoulder. I felt nothing but fire and hatred course through my veins at his touch. I shoved him off of me and got up, running inside. I went to my room and locked the door, grabbing my purse and keys, leaving my phone on the dresser. I put Electric's harness and leash on her before I left my room and the house, shoving past my dad on my way out. I got in my car and sped off into the darkness of night. I couldn't stay here. I couldn't be around him after this.

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