Chapter 26

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*3 Months Later*

My eyes fluttered open to the sunlight creeping through the closed blinds. I laid silently, blinking to get the blur from my vision before looking around. The dull sky blue walls and white ceiling reflected the light shining through the closed blinds. I sat up carefully, looking around the bed for the remote with the nurse button. I finally located it and clicked the button, a short elderly woman walking in moments later with a wide smile. "Glad to see you're finally awake. Can I get you anything?" She asked and I tried to speak but my throats felt like sand paper and nothing came out but a hoarse squeak. She winced at the sound before she looked at my chart at the end of my bed. "I'll get you some water and someone to help me get that tube out of your nose." She said and I nodded slightly. I sat silently for a few moments before the elderly woman returned with a cup of water and another cup of jello, as well as 2 male nurses following closely behind her. She sat the water and jello on the table by my bed before she nodded to the other nurses. They moved to either side of me as she walked over to me, pulling the tape off my cheek. I winced slightly at the tape and the other 2 nurses each placed a hand on my shoulder and the other on my forearms. "On the count of 3 in going to start pulling. Try not to move that much. Nurse Ryan and Nurse Bruce are here to assist with that." She informed me and I took a deep breath before closing my eyes as she began to pull on the tube. It hurt and was extremely uncomfortable, causing me to try and wiggle away but to no avail, the 2 nurses holding me in place. When the tube was finally out, I was handed a napkin and told to blow my nose. I did so before I was handed the cup of water. I took large gulps of it until I finished it, handing it back to the nurse. "Now, lets see if we can get you to eat and keep this down." She said as she handed me a spastic spoon and the jello she brought in. I took them silently and ate the jello slowly before I handed the trash back to her. Another nurse walked in with a cup of water and a small cup with 2 pills in it and gave them to me. I took the medicine with no questions before I laid back down and stared at the closed blinds. I laid there for awhile before I dozed off, my brain feeling drowsy and weak.

When I awoke again, I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, yawning. I heard a chair creak and looked over to see Chris sleeping in a very uncomfortable position in the tiny chair. I smiled softly as I just looked at him, taking in his appearance. I missed seeing him. Though he was still attractive, he looked like complete crap. His long dark hair was in its natural wavy, slightly cured locks, his eyes held dark circles under them, his makeup was smudged badly, his shirt raggedly and faded, the same with his jeans. I also noticed he wasn't wearing his usual combat boots but a pair of converse, his nail polish chipped to near nonexistence. As I took everything in, he stirred in his sleep, moving a little before his head fell off the arm of the chair and his eyes opened sleepily, facing me. He blinked a few times before he jumped, falling out of the chair and landing on the concrete tile floor with a smack and a thud. I winced as he automatically jumped up and ran over to me, attacking me with a hug. I hugged him back tightly as we just stayed there, not wanting to let go. I didn't remember what happened but I also knew I hadn't seen anyone in forever. I could tell by how much Chris' hair had grown. A few minutes later, we pulled away and he pressed his lips to mine with a burning passion. I kissed him back automatically, loving the feel of his lips on mine and the butterflies in my stomach. I could feel his warm tears on my cheeks as we kissed and it made my chest tighten a little bit. When we pulled away, I looked into his eyes as I held his face in my hands. "Chris.. what happened?" I asked and he looked down for a moment, the tears flowing from his bloodshot eyes. "I don't know.. do you remember anything?' he asked, earning  small no in response. "I remember Ginny and I talking but I don't remember what about. It's all just bits and pieces." I said and he nodded a little. We sat in silence for a few moments until I realized something. I let go of him as my hands fell to my stomach that was almost flat compared to before. "C-Chris.." I said as I felt my eyes prick with tears and my voice crack. I looked up at him with pleading eyes and he frowned. "What's wrong, baby?" He asked and I looked down at my stomach then back at him. "Where is the baby?" I asked, fear probably evident in my voice and on my face. His frown turned to a smile, calming me down a bit. "The baby is with Devin and Kylie." He said, making me happy it wasn't dead or something. "Is it ok?" I asked and he grinned with a nod, making me smile. "Better than ok, actually." He said as he pulled out his phone, texting someone before he put his phone back in his pocket. I could only assume it was my dad. "Scoot over, babydoll. Daddy wants to cuddle." He said and my jaw dropped in shock that he just called me babydoll and himself daddy. "Chris!" I squeaked out and smacked his chest, making him chuckle. "Don't make me ask you twice little lady. "He said with a smirk and I blushed, scooting over for him. He climbed into the bed with me and I curled up against his side, him playing with my hair. He got a text and checked it real quick before putting his phone away again and smiling down at me. "Looks like you get to meet our little demon soon." He said and I grinned, excited. "Kylie and your dad are on their way now." He commented and I squealed, making him chuckle. The whole time we waited, I was jittery and excited and Chris could obviously tell but didn't say anything about it. There was a knock at the door before it creeped open to reveal my dad with a diaper bag and a carrier, followed by Kylie with a little bundle of giggling joy. I sat up quickly when I saw Kylie with the baby, grinning ear to ear. My dad set the stuff down and came over, hugging me tightly and kissing my forehead. "I'm glad you're finally back, kiddo." He said and I just grinned. Kylie came over to me with the baby and an award winning smile. "Hayden, meet your baby boy, Ryder Stone Cerulli." She said as she handed him over to me, wrapped up in a fuzzy black blanket. Chris wrapped his arms around me as I held our baby boy for the first time, tears spilling from my eyes. "How was he born?" I asked as I looked at everyone. "Well after you passed out at the house, we brought you to the hospital. You had woken back up and were perfectly fine then you went into labor. After that, you lost a lot of blood and passed back out and ended up in a coma." My dad said, obviously upset by it. I nodded a little, wondering how I didn't remember any of that, until Ryder opened his beautiful brown eyes and stared at me. In that moment, I knew my heart would forever be complete as long as I had him and Chris.

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