Chapter 7

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I ended up on a street full of different shops and a lot of people. I saw a music store across the street and made sure no one was coming before I crossed the street and went inside. There was music softly playing from the speakers above but I didn't know the song or band. I walked over to the section of wall covered in guitars and pick one up, finding a stool nearby. I sat down with the guitar and hummed Heroin by Sleeping With Sirens as I began to play it softly. When I finished, I smiled to myself and took the guitar up to the counter. "Hey, can I get one of these?" I asked the guy as he looked up at me. His face instantly turned to a smile as he took the guitar with a goofy nod. "Of corse!" He said as he ran off with it. I giggled as I waited at the counter and looked over the pocket amps and chords to pass the time. A few people in the store kept watching me skeptically but I shrugged it off. After a little bit, the guy returned with a guitar case and set it carefully on the counter. "Is there anything else I can get you?" He asked and I smiled. "Can I get some picks, a tuner, and a capo?" I asked and he nodded as he turned around and got the capo and tuner. He then got out a case of different picks from behind the counter and held it out. "Just pick the ones you want." He said and I nodded and picked them out pretty quickly. "Do you want a pick case?" He asked and I giggled again. "Please." I said and he smiled at me before he got one and set it on the counter. "Is that it?" He asked and I nodded. "Ok, your total is $415.02." I took out my wallet and handed him 5 $100 bills and he looked at me in surprise before he marked them and put them in the drawer. He handed me my change and I put the bills in my wallet and the change in the tip jar. "Thank you, have a nice night." I said and he smiled. "You too." He said as I stuffed my picks in the case and put all of my stuff in the little boxed off section of my guitar case before I shut it again and locked it up. I picked it up by the handle and smiled again before I left from the store. I decided to go into the record store next to the music store and picked out a few cd's and a couple of magazines and posters before I checked out and headed back to the bus. When I got back to the venue, it was about a half hour till the show so the line had pretty much tripled in size. I put my hood back up and walked around the line and towards the back of the building. I could hear people sort of yelling about me over the noise of talking throughout the line. "Where is that girl going?", "The line is right here.", "what's she doing?", "Why does she have a guitar?", "Aren't the busses back there?", and things like that. I ignored everyone and continued walking around the building until I got to the bus. The security guard was there and smiled at me. "Hey again." He said and I smiled back. "Hello there!" I said as I patted him on the back and got on the bus. I went to the back lounge and put my bags with my stuff before I set my guitar in my bunk and crawled up. I took it out of the case and grabbed the tuner, tuning it up before I grabbed a pick and started playing The Last Night by Skillet. The song meant a lot to me since I had never had anyone there for me and a year ago, I tried to kill myself. I recovered obviously but I had connected with the song after my recovery and it helped me a lot. It made me feel less alone. "Your dad said you could play but I didn't know you could sing too." I heard Chris' voice and smiled to myself as I stopped where I was in the song. "How did he know I played?" I asked and Chris gave me a look. "Your mom told him. Where'd you get the guitar?" I could hear his curiosity in his voice but shrugged at it. "I bought it earlier." I told him and he nodded with a smile. "So why didn't you tell us you could sing?" He pushed on and I shrugged again. "I dunno. I guess I didn't really think about it." I said and he nodded. "Wanna sing with me tonight?" He asked and I looked at him like he was insane. "I can't scream, Chris!" I said and he chuckled. "I meant sing Contemptress with me. We never play it on tour because we never have Maria but you could do it." He said and I gave him a kind of iffy look. "Please, Hayden?" He begged, giving me adorable puppy dog eyes. I sighed and blushed as I caved. "Okie." I said and he grinned. "Yes! Now come on we need to get inside!" He said as he held out his hand. "Can I change first?" I asked and he sighed. "Fine but hurry up, please." He said and I giggled. "Yes, sir!" I said as I hopped out of my bunk and ran to the back lounge. I grabbed my favorite dress and ripped fishnets, as well as my black heels and a couple of bracelets and necklaces before I ran to the bathroom. I touched up my makeup and made it a little more extreme since I was going to be on stage, then changed. After I changed, I fixed my hair again and put on some perfume and body glitter mist to make me shiny. I then changed my necklaces and bracelets and put my pass back on before I looked myself over in the mirror before I slipped on my heels and strapped them over my ankles. I walked out of the bathroom and into the front lounge where Chris was waiting. He saw me and his mouth dropped open. "Woah." He said and I blushed and giggled. "Don't we need to be getting inside?" I asked as I grabbed his jacket I had on earlier and ran back to him as I pulled it on. "Right, lets go!" He said as he took my hand and we ran off the bus and inside the venue.

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