Chapter 28

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"Dammit, Olson!" I said as I walked into my dad's place, the first thing I am met with is Ricky doing a one man mosh pit with my little boy in his arms. He immediately stops and grins at me as I glare. "Why the fuck are you missing with a baby? MY baby!" I said, keeping my voice down. Luckily the music wasn't really loud. "Kylie said to play with him and keep him entertained." He said as he shrugged. I went over to him and grabbed Riley from him. He looked up at me as he giggled and tugged on my hair. "Hey, baby boy." I said and I leant down and kissed his nose, making him giggle and make weird noises like babies tend to do. I looked over at a crashing noise to see Ricky and Chris mashing together. Ricky looked like an 11 year old boy next to Chris. I laughed a little at them before I went upstairs to my dad's music room. I could hear his violin and smiled to myself. I always loved hearing him play. I stood in the doorway listening for a few minutes, playing with Riley. "You really do make a lovely picture as a mom." I heard my dad's voice as the violin slowed to a stop. I glanced up to him and smiled. "Thank you, dad." I said as I hummed to Riley, him yawning in return. I smiled at him as I moved to walk around the room, rocking him in my arms a little. "Someone is a little tired." My dad chuckled as he peaked over my shoulder. "Come on, I'll show you to his nursery." He said and I rolled my eyes with a soft smile. "Of corse you and Kylie would have him a nursery." I said as he chuckled. "It wasn't my idea." He said and I nodded as he opened the spare bedroom's door. I was met with a huge room, painted a beautiful soft blue with off white baseboards. There was a beautiful crib against the far wall, in front of the beautiful large window where the bed used to be. The sheer curtains on the window were white and there was a sheer white canopy over the crib. Around the room, there was a changing table with diapers, wipes, baby powder, and a trash can, a beige colored love seat, and a large fluffy beanbag type thing big enough for 3 people to sleep on, as well as a book shelf full of children's books, and a couple of lamps placed around the room. The closet had been torn out and was just a small room of shelves full of baby clothes, socks, and shoes. I looked up at my dad as he looked at me with a smile and leant down, kissing my forehead. "You like it?" He asked and I nodded. "I'm glad." He said before he patted my back and leafy, leaving me alone to put Riley down for his nap. I walked over to the crib and kissed Riley's head before I gently laid him in the crib and made sure he stayed asleep before I closed the sheer canopy and turned on the baby monitor before I grabbed the other end of it and clipped it to my belt loop, quietly leaving the room and closing the door before heading back downstairs and finding Chris in the kitchen. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around him as I lazily rested my head against his back, him continuing to talk to Kylie and Ricky about something.

After awhile of standing there, I heard crying from the monitor attached to me and frowned, letting go of Chris. I fixed a bottle and made my way back upstairs. When I got into Riley's nursery, I sat the bottle on the shelf and picked him up carefully, rocking him in my arms a little. I made sure his diaper was clean before I grabbed the bottle and fed him. When he had enough, I set the bottle back on the shelf as he yawned, already falling back asleep. I walked over to the huge furry beanbag bed and laid him on one side before I laid on the other and pulled his tiny body to me so he was laying on my chest. I cuddled him as I began to get tired and fell asleep with my baby boy in my arms.

Omg guys short filler but aweee cx love you guysssss!!!! I'm gonna try and get this book to at least 100 chapters.. think I can do it? XD I dunnooooo babes! Ahhh tho!!! You guys have gotten this book to 1.7k reads!!! 😍😍😍 you guys make me proud to be an author, even if I'm a shitty one lol. Thank you for the support! Be sure to vote, comment, and share if you enjoy this story!!! 🖤✨ ~Riley

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