Chapter 8

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Guys I am proud I have been on an update roll with this book the past couple of days! Even with us remodeling and redecorating the house! WARNING: This chapter and the next like 1 or two may be a little bit sad! I am sorry ahead of time my lovelies! Gah!! Don't hate me! BTW// The pic is of her and her outfit for the concert! :D for this character, I am using my amazing friend Megan! She is so amazing and sweet and just so gorgeous! 😍

'This is insane.' I thought to myself as I stood side stage in the dark as Chris announced they were going to play a special song they had never played on tour before. As the cheers died down, he looked over at me with a warm smile. "Hayden, come on out." He said and my dad grinned proudly as i walked out on stage with a mic. He moved his guitar to his back and walked over to me, pulling me into a hug. I hugged him back and smiled at him before I went over and hugged Chris. "This young lady here if Ghost's daughter. She's agreed to join me tonight in singing this next song so give her a big welcome!" He said into the mic and I looked back at my dad as the crowd cheered. He gave me an encouraging nod as the guitars and drums started and I took a deep breath. Chris started the song and I watched him. On the chorus, we sang together, then I sang Maria's parts. I couldn't do her screaming but I sang it anyway. I danced on the stage with Chris and it was amazing. I got really comfortable and started having a lot more fun after a couple of minutes. When the song ended, Chris hugged me and kissed the top of my head before my dad came up and hugged me. "Good job, kiddo." He said and I giggled. "Thanks, dad." I said as I kissed his cheek and waved to the crowd and blew them a kiss. I walked off the stage as everyone screamed and cheered and the guys' manager met me off stage. "You did good, kid." He said as he handed me a towel and I grinned. "Thank you." I said as I dried off from sweating a little and he gave me a slight side hug. After that, we watched the rest of the show side stage. At the end, Chris called me back on stage and everyone cheered as he hugged me again. "Let's hear it one more time for Hayden Sola!" He yelled and everyone
Screamed louder. I blushed and curtsied at the crowd before we all left the stage. When we got to the edge of the stage, Chris picked me up and spun me around. I screamed in surprise as he chuckled. I giggled as he set me down and hugged me tightly. "You did great, love." He said and I blushed. "Thank you." I said before I pulled away from him. "Dry off, you're sweaty." I said and he chuckled. "Fine." He said and I grabbed my towel from earlier and handed it to him. He dried off as I got him a bottle of water and he drank about half of it before he and the rest of the guys went to the bus to freshen up and fix their makeup before the signing. I waited outside of the bus and went through twitter a bit as I waited for them. Chris was the first one off the bus and put his arm around my shoulders as we went back inside. My dad and the other guys caught up and walked with us, my dad giving us a side glare. I pulled out from under Chris' arm and he frowned down at me with a questioning look and I shrugged. I walked between him and my dad silently, feeling a little bad. As we got to the table set up inside, the guys took their seats and I sat over to the side a bit away from the guys. I sat quietly as the line passed though and some people gave me rude looks and a few passed by me with rude comments and calling me names. "I'm going to the bus." I said after a little bit and my dad looked up at me for a moment. "You ok?" He asked and I nodded silently with a small smile, hiding the tears in my eyes. "I'll see you guys tomorrow." I said before I got up and walked out of the venue. I felt eyes on me as I left but ignored it as I made my way outside. As soon as the door shut, I let the tears fall. I haven't been bullied in a few months but when I do get bullied, it gets to me really bad. I leant my back against the building and tilted my head to the sky as I cried. I waited a few minutes before I went to the bus and crawled up into my bunk. I put my guitar up and put it in the back lounge before I got back in my bunk and curled up. I broke down completely as everything from the previous year passed through my mind over and over again, as well as the comments from tonight. I cried for what felt like hours but I wasn't sure. Sometime I ended up falling asleep because I woke up the next morning to the guys talking. I slipped down from my bunk and went into the bathroom and washed the makeup off my face from my crying last night. I took a shower and cleaned my piercings before I blow dried my hair and put it in a messy bun. I then left the bathroom with a towel around me, ignoring the guys as I went into the back of the bus. I got dressed in a pair of ripped tights, black cut off jean shorts with studs on them, a 'Killing You In My Mind' tee shirt I cut the sleeves out of, a pair of combat boots with chains, some leather bracelets, my spiked choker and a couple of other necklaces, and a few rings. When I was dressed, I slipped on my oversized Marilyn Manson jacket and pulled the sleeves up my wrists so they weren't covering my hands. I went into the bathroom again and did my makeup before I grabbed my phone, earbuds, and wallet and put them in my pocket and went into the front lounge and sat at the table. The guys smiled at me and I gave a small smile back but didn't speak. I sat silently until the bus stopped moving and looked out the window to see we were at the next venue. "I'm going out." I said softly before I grabbed my pass and put it on. I walked off the bus before anyone could say anything and just started walking down the street as I put my earbuds in and plugged them into my phone. Cry Little Sister covered by Aiden came on and I put my head down as I walked and listened to music.

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