Chapter 29

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I woke up the next morning with Riley looking up at me with his big brown eyes. He smiled and giggled when I looked at him, making me smile. "Morning baby boy." I cooed at him, making him wack my face with his little hands as he giggled more. I heard a deep laugh from the doorway and looked over to see Chris standing there. I grinned at him before sitting up carefully with Riley. He came over and took him from me gently before holding him up in the are and blowing raspberries on his bare tummy, making him giggle more. I smiled as I watched them before I kissed Chris on the cheek. "I'm going to shower. You got this?" I asked and he raised a drawn on eyebrow at me. "Do you doubt my mad fathering skills?" He asked and I laughed as I shook my head at his stupidity. Damn I love his gigantic self. I unclipped the monitor from my belt loop and sat it on the shelf, turning them both off before I headed to my room. I went to my bathroom and showered, doing all I needed to before I got out and dried off, getting dressed. Today I went with a pair of leather skin tight pants, knee high demonia platform boots, a ripped up Jack Daniels tank, and a leather vest. I then put on a leather collar with spikes around it, a long necklace with a crescent moon, a medium length necklace with a beautiful silver and blood red ruby pendant with mine and Chris' initials in the center, the bracelet Chris gave me years ago, and a leather bracelet with spikes to match my collar. I changed my plugs to black tunnel plugs and put black rose ear rings in my second holes, leaving the rest as they were before. I changed my septum to a black horseshoe ring and my vertical labret to a black bell bar before I brushed my teeth, then did my makeup. I did my black eye shadow before I did my foundation, using it to clean up any spots I may have gotten the black before I drew on my eyebrows and did dark red lipstick, adding contour and highlight before I did my eyeliner, eyelashes and bottom mascara. When I finished, I brushed my hair out, leaving it to dry in its natural waves. I put on deodorant and perfume before I checked myself over in the mirror and left the bathroom. I grabbed my purse and changed the small strap to a big chain and leather one with spikes on the leather part where it rests on your shoulder. I slipped my wallet into the purse and unplugged my phone, putting it in the purse too before I zipped it up and grabbed my keys. I ran downstairs to the kitchen and made myself a smoothie for breakfast. "Where are you going all dressed up?" Kylie asked as she entered the kitchen not long after. I smiled at her as she poured herself some of the smoothie I made. "Mall. I need to get my hair done and stuff and I'm in the mood for some shopping." I said and she nodded. "Mind if I tag along? I've been meaning to  do some shopping as well." She said and I nodded. " I'm going to go get Riley a bag ready." I said as I sat my keys and purse on the counter. "Ok, just let me do my makeup and hair and change and we can go." She said and I nodded. I went up to Riley's nursery and grabbed his diaper bag and began putting diapers, baby wipes, baby powder, a couple of his toys from his crib, a rattle, his blankie, a couple of pacifiers, and a couple extra outfits before I went down to the kitchen with the diaper bag and fixed him a couple bottles and grabbed the baby puff snacks and a a bottle of apple juice, putting them in the side pockets of the bag. I then fixed him a bottle and went to find him. I found him in the music room with my dad and Chris and handed my dad the bottle to feed him. "Can you please feed him?" I asked and he nodded. "When you're done can your bring him to the nursery?" I asked and he chuckled, nodding again. Chris rolled his eyes at me as I just smiled before I left the room and went back upstairs. "Hey, you ready?" I asked as I saw Kylie walk out of her and my dad's room. "Yea, everything set?" She asked and I shook my head. "Dad is feeding Riley then I need to burp him and bathe him then get him dressed." I said and she nodded with a giggle. "You look exhausted already." She commented and I nodded with an amused smile. "Yea, but hey that's what parenting is about!" I said and she nodded. "That couldn't be more true." She said and I laughed as my dad appeared with Riley. "Thank you!" I said as I took him and went to the bathroom to bathe him in the sink. When I finished, I dried him off and took him to the nursery, baby-powdering his bottom before putting a new diaper on him and picking him out a cute outfit and dressing him. It was a cute little black tee that said 'Baby Motionless' on the back with the MIW symbol on the front where a chest pocket would usually be on a man's shirt, a pair of dark blue baby jeans, and a little pair of black socks and black and white baby Converse. Once I had him ready, I put him in his baby carrier and took him downstairs, grabbing his diaper bag and my purse and keys. "Guys, we're leaving! We'll be back later!" Kylie yelled, earning a few muffled responses before we went out to the car. I buckled Riley's carrier in the backseat an set his diaper bag in the floorboard in front of it as Kylie got in the other side of the back seat. Once he was buckled in, I got in the front seat and started the car, pulling out of the driveway and heading to the mall.

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