Chapter 14

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I stretched as I stepped off the last step and onto the pavement. I looked around with a huge smile on my face before I looked back at my dad. Chris was standing behind them and smiled at me. I smiled back before looking away and going to catch up with Allie and Kylie. "Glad you decided to join us." Allie said and I giggled. "So, where are we staying?" I asked, loud enough for everyone to hear. I heard someone behind us chuckle and looked back to see it was my dad. "We rented a few small beach houses. We just have to figure out who is staying where. There can only be 2 per house." He said and I nodded. I glanced over at Chris with a smile and he smirked before clearing his throat and giving a straight face so no one noticed. "Dad, you and Kylie should room together. I mean, she is your girlfriend." I said and he sighed. "Then who are you going to room with?" He asked and I shrugged. "I'll just room with one of the guys." I said and he nodded. "Ok, I guess everyone pick who you're rooming with then." He said and I smiled as I skipped over to Chris. Within a few minutes, the pairs were picked. It was my dad and Kylie, Ryan and Allie, Vinny and Ricky, then me and Chris. "Ok so now that we have that worked out, let's get our bags and try and get some taxis." Ryan said as he took Allie's hand and they lead the way. We found the baggage claim area and got all of our bags together before we took them outside and got a few cabs that were vans. My dad, Ryan, and Vinny took one van with some of the bags, Chris and Ricky took another with more of the bags, and Allie, Kylie, and myself took the 3rd with the rest of the bags. The vans each pulled out, heading towards the address my dad game the drivers and Allie and Kylie both looked over at me. I looked at them with a questioning look and they just gave me a knowing one in return. "What?" I asked and Allie grinned. "So how long have you and Chris been together?" Allie asked and I stared at her wide eyed as I stumbled over my words. She and Kylie looked at each other and giggled. "Relax, we won't say anything." Kylie said and I breathed a sigh of relief. "So how long?" She asked and I smiled softly. "Awhile." I said simply and they both giggled. "How did you guys know?" I asked and they scoffed. "We are girls. We know things." Kylie said. "Plus we kind of noticed how you two are always glancing at each other and sharing looks and smiling." Allie said and I nodded slightly. "Does your dad know?" Kylie asked and I shook my head. "Nobody does except for you two." I admitted and they raised their eyebrows. "How have you kept it a secret?" Allie asked and I shrugged. Luckily, the van stopped a few moments later. I got out quickly and got some of my bags they packed me before I went over to my dad. "Here." He said and handed me a key. "It's to the blue one." He said before he pointed a couple of houses down. I nodded and took my stuff over to it, unlocking the door. I set my bags inside before I went and got the rest of them and put them inside too. I closed the door before I took my bags a few at the time to the bedroom and started unpacking my clothes, putting them away in the drawers and closet, leaving half of each for Chris' things. I finished unpacking as Chris knocked on the bedroom door. "Come in." I said and looked up as he opened the door and smiled. "Hey." He said and I smiled shyly. "Hi." I said as I picked up my makeup case from my bag and took it and my bathroom things to the bathroom. When I came out, I picked out a pair of black denim cut off shorts and my red and black bikini. "I'm going to change." I said and Chris smiled. "Ok, babe." He said and I blushed. I still hadn't got used to him calling me that. I went into he bathroom and changed quickly before I went back out to see Chris had changed too. He was now wearing a pair of black swim trunks and a Korn tee shirt with a pair of black flip flops. He had a pair of sunglasses in his hand and smiled when he saw me. "You look beautiful." He said and I rolled my eyes as I pulled the hair the off my wrist and put my hair up in a messy bun. I slipped on some black flip flops, leaving my bracelets and necklaces on. I put on sunscreen and so did Chris before I grabbed my dad's sunglasses I had taken awhile back and put my wallet in my back pocket with my phone. "So, what do you want to do first?" Chris asked and I shrugged. "I kind of want to go look in the shops." I said and he smiled. "Are you going to put a shirt over that?" He asked and I smiled and shook my head. "Ok well then lets go." He said as he grabbed the key and put it in his pocket with his wallet and phone. We left the room and went outside, locking the door behind us and putting our sunglasses on before we headed down the road to the shops.

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