Riverdale// Archie x Cheryl

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[Video Warning : Swearing]

Blue and Yellow, sweaty and muscular, the high school's football team ran out of the stands. Leading in Jason's place was Archie Andrews. His red hair was stuck to his forehead, a large grin plastered on his face. 

Cheryl Blossom stood on the stage in awe, her long hair swaying in the soft breeze. Cheryl couldn't help but admire everything about him: his dark, penetrating eyes which made contact with hers; the small movement he made when he licked his lip. 

Everything about him infatuated her, especially his resemblance to her late brother. Some may call it odd, others may say it's 'twincest', but Cheryl loved her brother. Maybe too much. 

By half time, Riverdale was leading. By the end, Riverdale had won. The sweaty team evacuated the pitch, the cheerleaders followed suit. Cheryl had abandoned her hair tie, her locks now handing loose around her like a flaming tail. They didn't call her a vixen for nothing. 

After the sound of showering ceased from the locker room, and the majority of the boys had left for Pop's, Cheryl took it as her chance. Like a predator, she sought her innocent prey. She had now abandoned her infamous uniform in favor for a crimson skirt, black crop top and a thick choker. Cheryl burst the door open, not looking twice to check if Archie was indecent. 

He wore only a pair of shorts. 

"Cheryl?" He reached for a t-shirt, which Cheryl eagerly snatched from him. Cheryl walked until she was centimeters away from him, her deep red lipstick perfectly applied. 
"Hello, Archie." She whispered, biting her lip. He looked at her confused, his eyes not knowing where to look. 
"What are you doing in here? Aren't you suppose to be with the team at Pop's?" Archie asked.
Cheryl lent forward, her nose brushing his. "I had a different agenda."
Archie let Cheryl kiss him : he didn't want her too, yet he didn't want her to stop. Mixed emotions flooded his mind as she ran her hands up and down his body. 

One thing was for sure, Cheryl really wanted Archie Andrews to be hers.  

Fandoms: Imagines and PreferencesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ