Pretty Little Liars//Imagine 'A' Texts you

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It was the day of Alison's funeral.
You're sat at home, talking to Emily. Hanna was laying on your bed, flipping through the newest edition of vogue. You rolled your eyes as Aria walked through the door in her Gothic fashion sense. You despised of it, preferring a more feminine style.
"Seriously Aria, can't you at least dress appropriately for a funeral?" Hanna scolded, barely looking up from her magazine. Emily let out another heart wrenching sob, her tears making her makeup streak once again.
You knew that before Ali died, Emily had a undying love for her. You caught them kissing in the library not that long ago and you couldn't dismiss a thought from your mind: Is Emily gay?
"Shut up Hanna, she can wear what she wants." Spencer shouted from the other room, making you barely stifle a dry laugh. But then you remembered that night.

The night when Ali went missing. You were in the barn with the girls, when Ali offered you a drink. Thinking it was Ribena or possibly Wine, you downed it. The liquid burned your throat, making you light headed.
Ali begged all of you to let her hypnotize you. Reluctantly, you gave in and soon you were asleep. Later that night, You heard Spencer get up.
"Stay there Y/N." She forcefully whispered, putting on her shoes. 
You followed her, wanting to know where she was going. You saw Alison storm off, Spencer following her. Spencer shoved her, Ali fell to the ground. Spencer ran away in tears and you stared in horror as Ali got up, shaking. She wandered to the front garden, and Mrs D was in the window. You were going to go up to her, see if she was okay. But then someone in a black hoodie smacked her round the head with a rock, and Ali's body fell to the ground. Still. You ran back to the barn, hoping it was all a dream. You snuck back into your makeshift bed .
You haven't told anyone of what you saw that night. 

"Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!" Emily shouted as you opened your eyes. You were on the floor, the four girls staring at you.
"What Happened?" You managed to croak out.
After Spencer explained what happened, turning out you fainted, you left for the funeral.
As everyone went inside, you stayed out just for a while longer. You couldn't bare to see the coffin.
Your phone went off in your pocket, the small chime loud in the crisp air. You picked it up, looking at the text message.
Two can keep a secret when one of them is dead. Kisses - A
"Who is A?"

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