Teen Wolf//Killer [Stiles Oneshot]

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You held the gun against his head, tears moistened his eyes. You were sure you have never seen anyone so sad, but you had to do it.

He was a killer.

"Please, Y/N." He pleaded, his body shaking with heavy sobs. Blood dripped from his nose, his arms trapped behind him. You stared at his youthful face, admiring his features. Your best friend. But this wasn't him, this was a monster.

He was void.

The gun felt cold in your palm, your finger resting gently on the trigger. Just for a second, the urge to kill Stiles went away. Replaced with the love you have always had.
"Y/N." His voice had softened, a bead of sweat forming on his brow. Your eye browns knitted together, your arms shaking. "Your going to do it, aren't you? You going to kill me."
"Yes." You bluntly replied, hoping it sounded strong. But it came out as a mere whisper, your arms shaking.
"Trust me." Stiles said, his brown eyes tracing your face.
"I've trusted you for too long." You screamed in his face, your spit showering him. Slowing your breathing, you counted down from 3.

3. You took the gun of safety.
2. You aimed the barrel in the center of his forehead. He closed his eyes, bracing himself.
1. You heard the shouts of Scott, you proceeded to ignore him.
You pulled the trigger. Stiles' body moved in a series of spasms before he fell to the ground; still. His blood splashed up your arms, his cold eyes still staring. You felt someone grab your arm, shoving you to the ground. They jumped on top of you, holding you to the ground. The gun fell out of your hands.
"What did you do?" Scott hissed in your ear, his fingers digging deep into your shoulders.
"I killed the Nogitsune." You proudly responded, a small smile on your lips.
"T-That wasn't it."
What? Did you hear him correctly? You struggled to turn to face him, your eyes wild with panic. Scott's eyes flooded with tears, his face growing hair.
"No." You whispered, shaking your head. Could this be true? Scott only nodded, letting the tears drip onto your checked flannel shirt. The one Stiles brought. You fought to get up, you wanted to run. You killed Stiles. You killed Stiles Stilinski.

You killed the boy who walked you home from school, everyday from 5th grade. You brutally killed the boy who waved from his bedroom window at you, his face beaming with happiness. You shot the boy who never wanted to hurt anyone. He was dead, all because of you.

You didn't care anymore. Scott stabbed you with his claws, ripping you to shreds. Why live? you thought your yourself, letting the tears fall.
"Kill me." You whispered, causing Scott to stop. He pulled his hand away, his face a mixture of anger and pain.
"You don't deserve to die." He shouted, his fist curled up in a ball. His claws dug into his palm, his blood dripping on your leg.
You laid there, watching the night sky with your heart heavy. You heard Lydia scream, the cry of Scott. Yet you stayed, begging for death to greet you.

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