Teen Wolf x The Vampire Diaries//Hero

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Balls of sweat formed on her forehead. Black blood spilled from her mouth, and she cried in agony.
"She's not getting any better, Scott." Dr Deaton wiped her face using a grayed piece of cloth, removing all the dried blood.
"What is wrong with her?" Scott asked. He was perched in the corner, desperately trying to not breath in the stench of death. Dr Deaton just shrugged, picking up yet another needle and plunging it deep into her veins. The girl's panting slowed, and the room returned to silence.
There was a clash outside the room, and a red faced Stiles barged into the room.
"Malia!" He went to grab her, but Scott quickly blocked his path. "Move."
"S-Stiles, She's in a bad shape." Scott prepared his friend for the worse. The worse being Malia may die.
Her brown hair was caked in mud, and a deep cut on the side of her neck wouldn't stop bleeding.
"Let me see her." Stiles demanded, his hair wet. It must have been raining; but nobody cared. Nevertheless, Scott edged out of the way as tears sprung from the corners of Stiles' eyes. His stomach lurched at the sight of the blood, and his heart broke slowly. Malia was still, her eyes shut. Slowly, her skin faded into a chalk grey and the life slipped from between her lips.
"What's that on her neck?" He questioned, getting closer to her head. He grabbed the gray cloth, and wipe the blood: Teeth marks.
"Something bit her?"
Dr Deaton walked over to a cupboard, and began rummaging through hundreds of papers and bottles. He grabbed a thin file, which held barely anything inside, and slammed it onto the counter. "Or someone."
"What do you mean?" Scott's eyebrows knitted together in confusion, as him and Stiles joined Deaton at the metal counter.
"I've never came across one," Dr Deaton began, flicking to the first page; a body without a head. "and I didn't know they effected werewolves and were coyotes like this."
"What did this to Malia?" The pair asked in unison, averting their eyes from the sheet.
"A Vampire."

*Lydia's POV*

I stood in the room, staring wide eyed at Scott. Vampires? They can't possibly be real. Says the Banshee who is friends with Werewolves. I sighed. I hate my mind.
"So your telling me that a freaking Vampire bit Malia!" I clarified, the idea almost. Scott explained more and more about their discovery.
"The last place I heard of that had them in a small town a few hours away from here." Dr Deaton left the room, leaving myself with the two boys.
"Malia won't live to see graduation. Deaton is trying to find out some more information about a cure." Stiles was stood over Malia, his hand resting in hers. I hid my slight jealousy behind distraught. After all, I had a small crush on Stiles Stilinski.
I busied myself by looking around the room. Malia was in the center of the room, on top of a large metal table with several compartments underneath. To her left, there was a long counter with empty brown bottles broken over. Glass, reflecting the light coming from the moon, stood out like fairy lights along the floor. The walls were left bare, the natural brick giving a rustic theme.
"My contact has confirmed my suspicions. There is a vampire in Mystic Falls who may know something about a cure." Dr Deaton announced, entering the room again. "Lydia, you have to go."
I stood in shock, everything seemed to slow. Me? Lydia Martin. I'm not a hero, I can't be left with the burden of Malia's life. I'm just a girl, a girl who can sense death and scream.

All my friends have claws, fangs or some other crazy ability which can naturally aid them in this. What can screaming do?
"No, I can't go." I negotiated, taking a few steps towards the door.
"Your the only one that can. If Scott gets bitten, he is as good as dead. I'm sure Stiles isn't going to leave Malia alone either. It's up to you."
Sighing, I agreed.
Looks like I'm going to Mystic Falls. Fun. 

Did you enjoy that? Well then, Go read my new book 'Hero'! 

Did you enjoy that? Well then, Go read my new book 'Hero'! 

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[Shameless self promotion]

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