The Hunger Games// Imagine [1]

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You were alone in a barren forest, a small rucksack on your shoulders. Ashamed, you were disgusted by what you had collected: An empty bottle of water, a bundle of rope and a small bread roll. No weaponry or necessities. Sighs and groans of sadness followed as you kept moving. You were from District 12, the mining district. You should be able to survive harsh lifestyles, since you barely got a meal each day, but this felt different. Death followed you closely. A small crack of a stick sounded nearby, and you heard footsteps growing closer. You looked around, searching for somewhere to hide. A small ditch was close by, hidden beneath a series of bushes and logs. You dove into it, silently cursing as you grazed your elbows. Knowing President Snow and his minions were watching, you masked your fear. 
"Are you sure you saw her run this way?" A woman snarled, standing a few meters away. 
A man replied. "Yep, you can tell she was here. She dropped this." 

You grabbed your bag, opening it to discover the bread roll missing. 
"Why do we have to kill the girl?" The man asked, standing just above you. You could see his broad figure looming above, his dark curls messy and wet. The girl appeared in sight, and you recognized her immediately. She was from District 2, the career district. Her eyes were icy blue, with long brown hair in a ponytail. Wanting to stay hidden, you moved slightly further back into the hole. You could smell the pair, a mixture of sweat and blood. Had they already killed? 
"President Snow ordered us to." They began to walk away, their voices distancing. Sighing in relief, you released a breath you didn't know you were holding. You laid among the dead leaves for a further half an hour, making sure they were far away. 

Getting up of the floor, you stood on your shaking legs and brushed of the dirt. That was when you saw the arrow whiz past your face.

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