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In the morning Kya goes to breakfast to see Zuko sitting by himself by Appa.

Zuko? Dont go over there he says.

Kya raises an eyebrow and he says here this is what she gave me.

Kya looks at the food and a hardened look comes over her face.

Kya don't! Kya turns to him I know youre trying to be nice but you-we have to eat she puts a hand on his shoulder I have my bending back I know he says I just don't want you to get hurt.

Zuko you can't eat this. Why? Have you eaten it Kya says in a low voice no he says I just drank some water from the fountain-

Kya what's wrong?

Kya covers her mouth.

Zuko she tried to take your bending.

WHAT? he says.

What are you talking about? He asks.

I recognize the herbs from the palace but why would she want to....she wants to get rid of you.

Kya its ok- NO ITS NOT OK! she tosses the bowl away.

Something wrong with my cooking?

A sickly sweet voice asks.

Kya turns and keeps her face expressionless.

Nothing wrong with the food Katara

but Kya reaches down and pulls out the herbs and goes over to her she opens her palm and says do you have any idea what this does?

Of course I do she says.

Then why would you give them to a fire bender? Katara laughs.

You really have no idea do you?

No idea about what? He's our enemy! she says he chased us down for years! I wouldn't expect his little slave girl to understand I'm sure he takes good care of you but do you have any idea what he did to me? He betrayed me! she screams at Kya.

He betrayed Aang and because of him the avatar almost died! So don't yell at me because I tried to take his bending for a day. Don't even start.

Katara Kya says calmly do you know anything about fire bending?

She laughs only that it destroys everything and is the most evil element ever!

You're wrong Kya says. Fire is life one's inner fire is connected to their chi or their life energy their spirit a fire bender bends from within not from outside elements their bending is connected to their very being. Thats why if someones bending is taken away it is only for a short amount of time. But this she shows her the herbs can kill him. Is that what you want? It wouldn't just kill him it would suck the energy right from his very core. How long would that take? Katara asks.

Kya's face doesn't change but she narrows her eyes. A matter of hours Kya says. Well then I'll make it easier for all of us- Katara! Aang says but his voice doesn't stop the knife from leaving her hand Kya turns and runs to Zuko and pushes him out of the way when he doesn't move.

Kya doesnt feel the blade ripping through her face and neck cutting through her skin. KYA! Zuko says.

GET OUT OF HERE! Aang tells Katara. Katara runs away from the scene. Kya you didn't have to do that. Kya giggles at Zuko as he tries to get her comfortable. Where's Rhu? she says.

Rhu...Zuko says right...everyone is startled when a dragon appears from Kya's bag and walks over to them. What the?

I'll explain later Zuko says. We need to clean the wound.

Rhu....Kya giggles.Dragon has pretty fire....what now?

Zuko says I would say we would have Katara heal her but -

Rhu nudges Zuko. I think he wants me- us to get on him.

Aang looks up at the Dragon. Both of us Zuko. What? We need to go with the dragon.

Zuko picks up Kya and he gets onto Rhu and then Aang follows.

We'll be back he says to Sokka and Toph. Then the Dragon takes off into the sky.

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