Zuko returns

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Someone's here. Kya gets into a fighting stance but she is the only one to drop it when it's Zuko.

Hey Zuko here - oof! Kya bounds into him.

I was so worried! She says and he hugs her back gently.

Did they hurt you? He asks.

Uh...not really she whispers remembering Katara.

Get behind me he whispers. He looks at Aang and says I came here to teach you fire bending.

Will you accept me? He asks.

The group goes silent and then Appa licks him.

But a glare from Katara has him shaking his head.

Go in peace he says. And if you come back we'll have to fight prince Zuko.

But I don't- go! Aang says he looks away.

Kya looks at him betrayed as Zuko pulls her away and brings her to the forest.

She stays up while he sleeps and she eventually falls asleep and is woken up by a scream.

YOU BURNED ME! I'm sorry! Wait! Kya says. Don't touch me! Wait! I can heal you! You're a fire bender.

So? Only water benders can heal! That isn't true.

Toph looks at the girl and can barely pick up that she's telling the truth.

Please let me heal you. Alright. Rainbow sparks you can heal me.

Kya raises an eyebrow and helps Toph sit down. Kya's fire turns purple and she begins to heal her.

This is different than water healing. The girl says. I'm Toph by the way.

Hum...Kya says not breaking her concentration. A few moments later her feet are pretty much healed.

I'm sorry Zuko says softly. I...I didn't see you.

Ok. Toph says. But I'm going to kick your butt in the morning.

Do you want to stay here for the night? Toph considers.

Alright rainbow sparks I'll stay here. They sleep and in the morning Kya wakes to the sound of SNEAK ATTACK! But Toph is already awake and bends a wall between them. Stop! She says. I'm fine! See? Aang stops. What happened Katara asks. Toph answers before Zuko can who just looks guilty.

I startled Zuko and he didn't see me and he accidentally Fire bended my feet.

But I'm fine! Kya is a healer.But she's a fire bender. Aang says.

Toph shows him her foot see? It's all better.

Alright fine Aang says.

Both of you come back with us to the temple

but- Katara starts. Katara we can't leave them here. Aang says.

Fine' she says stalking off.

Aang smiles at the pair and they follow him back to the temple. Zuko goes to the ballon and hands Kya her bag and she hugs him and pulls out her dragon.

Zuko...she hugs him.

Alright come help me train the avatar alright?

Kya nods and sits on the wall watching.

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