Five years later..

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Loki is away again so Kya is exploring the outskirts of the castle. She begins to walk balancing on the wall.

Fandral waits nearby keeping an eye on the young girl. Kya bends and she puts her hands on the wall before putting her legs up. She begins to walk on her hands she feels herself shifting so she vanishes and reappears ...

Kya looks around her eyes widening when she realizes she's no where near the palace. Kya looks around suddenly reminded of home...of what she thought of as home once.

Kya hears a shout and a cry and she goes over disillusioning herself as she watches... no they can't be Kya thinks to herself. She flattens herself along the wall. She grips the wall trying to steady her breathing. She holds her side as she begins to panic. She looks again and she sees several children being taken from the street into a familiar wagon with the symbol of the red lotus.

"Don't worry we will take care of the freaks"

"Good. If you happen to see this one take her alive she is worth a lot to the royalty."

"Oh really?"

"Yes. She is quite fiesty this one"

Kya tries to control her breathing and her magic struggles in her young body her magic fizzes out and she hears a shout behind her.

"Look there she is!" Kya begins to run ahead of the two men chasing her. She bursts the lock on the wagon and with a wave of magic the chains are turned to dust. The kids sit on the benches inside of the wagon. "Don't just sit there run!" Kya cries. They get up and begin to spill out of the wagon. It's about twelve of them who are running behind Kya flanking her and she runs ahead and occasionally sends off a wave of magic to knock their attackers down.

She runs forward defending a small child from a powerful spell Kya blocks most of it but she's winded and another wave of power knocks her to her knees and an arrow embeds itself into her shoulder. The eldest of the magical former prisoners runs over to Kya and she tries to help her up. "Hurry you must go to the palace" Kya whispers she takes off her necklace and gives it to the girl. "You must get this to Loki" "but he's the prince!" Kya keeps her hand out blocking the red lotus agents from attacking them. "He's ..he's my teacher" the boy looks at Kya and he says "how do you know you can trust me?" Kya raises an eyebrow. "It's just ...we're street kids we can't be caught near the palace." Kya sighs and she closes her eyes. "There's a garden in a clearing on the East outskirts of the palace. Loki enjoys going there to read. Please...I can't hold it much longer I can hold them off get the others and go" Kya whispers the boy nods and oddly enough he bows to Kya before Kya releases the barrier and she sends off a wild wave of fire keeping them back until she falls to the ground throughly exhausted. She barely feels them grabbing her by the arms and holding her up by the scruff of her neck.

Her vision goes blurry and her eyes roll to the back of her head.

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