[20]: Another perspective

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Levi's pov:

The main thing is, everything is back together. I'm content now, __'s alright. But I'd wish she trusted me though. We've been friends for so long. I'm not the type to break people's hearts; its pains me even though I don't show it, if I were to do so.

And I slightly feel sorry for Natsumi, they are like best friends, but I've also noticed, even though I feel as though it's nothing to worry about, Natsumi has gotten a lot more casual around me. She's dropping her standards. That has been ever since __ left us. I think she was showing little hints before, or maybe I'm just over thinking things.

Maybe she's trying to get my attention because she may.... like me? But if that's the case, I'm sorry, but my heart's already taken by __. I've known her longer than Natsumi, and she's the reason why I'm alive. I kinda, in fact it pains me quite a lot at the fact that ___ may not return my feelings.

Buy that won't stop me from loving her; I'll devote my self to her.

Even though the mess was 'sorted out'  I still feel as though it isn't, entirely. I do believe that ___ is hiding something under that, excuse about that dream. Well she may of had that dream, and I understand what it feels like to loose someone special in your life.

But, I'm very sure a dream about a loved one wouldn't have caused someone to ignore their friends for one week. Tch, I may look like a careless person, but really deep down under my 'emotionless' facade, I really do care. I guess you can call me a Tsundere.

Now what would make __ ignore me then? I need to reconsider how I ask things, it really hurt ___.

Something doesn't feel right. I just can't shake that feeling off. I will speak up when the time is right.

First, __ lying about the reason for ignoring us, then Natsumi making advances towards me?

Maybe its something to do with that Saturday, when I said I couldn't come. Before that, everything was okay.

I'm really confused. But I have to keep my cool. I'll hide this, and tell Kenny, if I must.

This facade cannot go on.

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