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"Promise me one thing. Promise me that you won't leave. Promise me that you will be here for me and that you'll keep your word. Because no one is able to stay true anymore."

When we love someone, all we want to do is to stay in their life forever. To grow old with them and to share every single detail of our life with them forever. But, what if fate played with you? What if fate proves to you that forever doesn't exist?

Well, there's this guy I really love. Actually, I really want to spend my whole life with him. I know we're too young to say these things. But for me, he is my everything. Without him, I could have nothing. He made my every single day a very special one. He cares for me a lot. He's the reason why I always have a smile on my face. He is the love of my life.

But our relationship is not as perfect as what you think. We always fight and fight and fight. Until one day, I got tired and decided to leave him. And it's up to him if he will let me go or not.

Love is not a word to be defined. It is a reality to be experienced. 

So, this is my story. I mean, OUR story--

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