Chapter nineteen: To Follow a Creep

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Chapter nineteen: To Follow a Creep

Maybe it was just me, but I felt extremely anxious as we approached the gas station.

"Something's going to happen." I whispered to Chris.

He still had me on his lap with both of his arms encircled snugly around my waist.

Suffice to say...I had gotten used to it and was no longer as tense.

"Why do you say that?" He murmured back.

I watched as Aaron got out of the car to fill it up with gas.

I shrugged. "It just doesn't."

Chris remained quiet as he mulled over on what I said. "Yeah." He agreed. "My wolf definitely is worried."

"What does it mean?"

"I have no clue. I should go and tell Aaron about it." He glanced out the window to see Aaron entering the small convenience shop.

I nodded. "Yeah, just let me wiggle out of here for a bit."

I awkwardly tried to move out of the way as Chris struggled to open the door. We eventually got it though.

"Hey Rose?" I poked my snoring friend on the cheek.

She cracked one emerald eye open. "What is it?"

"Do you we're being watched?"

Sensing my serious mood, she straightened up her back and rubbed the sleepiness out of her eyes.

"Why do you ask?" She softly replied.

I nervously played with my fingers. "I just feel..."

"Just feel what?"

My brain thought of no reply as I saw her out of the car window.

"Rose." I shoved her face against the window. "Do you see what I'm seeing?" My voice came out frantic.

"I would see it better if I wasn't shoved against the window." She retorted.

I loosened my clutch on her shoulder letting her have some freedom to move a bit.

She gasped. "Is that...?"

I nodded. "It has to be her."

"Who?" Sawyer interjected.

"Maya." Rose and I said in unison.

"We have to get Aaron and Chris." Rose undid her seat belt. "Are you guys coming?"

"Wait." I stopped Rose from opening the door. "We should let Sawyer out instead of us. She'll recognize either one of us."

"And she won't with Sawyer." Rose said finally catching on. "What about Aaron and Chris though? I know she knows who they are."

"They'll just have to sneak around her car." I finalized.

Rose nodded. "I can't think of anything else to do anyways. You ready Sawyer?"

Sawyer audibly gulped. "Am I the only one in here who has a very bad feeling about this?"

Rose and I shrugged. "We all do."

"Cause that just makes me feel so much better guys." He meekly retorted.

"Just go." I shoved him lightly on the shoulder.

He scowled at me one last time before opening the car door.

Rose and I watched him enter the convenience store and gave each other victory high fives when Maya didn't look twice at Sawyer's way.

"Maya looks different now." Rose noticed.

Maya's usual red hair was now a light brown color, but I didn't think that was the change Rose was talking about.

"What do you mean?"

Rose looked at me and frowned. "I don't know...she just looks and acts like a whole different person."

I inspected Maya for a bit as she filled her car with gasoline.

I understood Rose completely.

Maya's usual awkward air was no longer there. She didn't look as perky and hyper as she usually did, but instead her brown eyes were now a much lighter color. Even from a distance I could see the difference in her eyes.

I gasped.

Her eyes flashed a bright red as she got into her car.

"Did you see that?" I nervously glanced at an open mouthed Rose.

"Her eyes just..." She trailed off baffled.

"We should follow her." I suggested. "It might lead us to the all shifters."

"You think so?"

I nodded. "It's the only lead we got."

"I suppose you're right." She sighed. "If I die during this mission I'm haunting you and Chris and your kids."

My cheeks flamed up. "Our kids?! Rose, what in the world are you talking about?"

She laughed at my flustered face. "You guys are so oblivious it's so amusing."

I glared at her. "We can't waste our time talking about this. We should be focusing on Maya!"

She had a Cheshire Cat grin plastered on her face. "Whatever suits your boat."

"There's the boys!" I pointed out of my window towards them.

I held my breath as I watched the three of them slowly sneak behind several cars to get here.

They finally arrived successfully which allowed me to finally breath.

Chris and Sawyer opened the door to the back row. Chris got in first and I couldn't even face Rose because of humiliation as he still set me on his lap.

Sawyer then got in second and shut the door quietly. Aaron did the same.

"You guys will not believe who we saw." Rose said.

Aaron nodded. "Yeah Sawyer told us."

"It was Maya right?" Chris confirmed.

"Yep." I glanced behind me to Chris. "Do we follow her car then?"

Chris and Aaron both nodded. "She might lead us somewhere useful." Aaron pointed out.

"Or somewhere bad." Sawyer muttered.

"You would not believe her eyes." Rose said with disbelief still dominant in her tone. "They turned red."

Aaron and Chris looked at each other.

"What?" I asked as the two of them looked at each other with worry.

"She might be an all shifter." Aaron murmured.

"Sometimes all shifters' eyes turn red because of every single animal trying to dominate inside of them." Chris added.

"Wow..." Sawyer drawled out. "I never realized how suckish it is to be an all shifter."

"Couldn't have said it better little bro." I mock applauded him for his diplomatic statement.

Aaron started the car suddenly and gripped the steering wheel.

"Let's follow this creepy girl." He muttered.

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