Chapter 28: Moving out

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So.... Me & Andrew had a fight, and still he doesn't understand me. So I decided to myself that I should break up and leave him. Since that what will set me free, I need to stick with what I have done.

Going to Miami was refreshing, but as soon as I got there, I already knew that I need food, shelter & a job. But since I don't have any of those yet, I called on my best friend to stay at her place until I get a home and job.

2 weeks after I got to Miami, I finally got a job, but still no place to stay at. My job is to be a waitress. I know to myself that I can totally do better, but I need to do it.

Being a waitress in Miami can be easy and though. Sometimes, there are customers that are really rude, and I try myself to be calm as possible. But I can't keep up with myself.

Sometimes, there are these nice customers, and sometimes there are these rich customers who are giving the lowest tip possible, to the highest they can give, depending on the service.


"Elizabeth!! Where have you been!!"

"I'm sorry sir, but I'm was rushing to get here."

"The next time you're​ late, you're Fired!!!"


Even the boss is being mean.

~2 months later~

Now that I know most of the parts of Miami, I can finally find a better job because the last job was terrible.

I made resumes, some are accepted but the only problem is that I won't get paid enough.

I got accepted at a bar. And NO, I won't be someone who I know will ruin my life. I became a bartender, the girl bartender. I served customers who are willing​ and unwilling to be drunk and wasted. I don't know why I let them drink, drink, & drink all over and over again.

I made some friends with the customers, I was their favorite bartender yet. Everytime I see them on the door, I always greet them first before they take their order. And sometimes, I let their orders slide and get away with it.

I worked on the night shift because I know that many people are there at the bar when at night.

It's​ really refreshing when you meet other people and be friends with them. And it really takes away all the heavy problems, especially the past self.

At first, I thought that it was going to be a disaster moving to Miami cause' I've never been here, until now.

There, I met new friends, cured my depression, learned to be better and trust is your personal choice. Sometimes there are problems, but still I survived & conquered them all.

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