Chapter 8: I Love You, Too

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I asked her why they're on a relationship. Suddenly, she cries a lot.

~Lauren's story~

So I met him on Starbucks, It seems like we had a connection together.. You know, like those "Love at First Sight" sayings. He asked if we could hang out sometime. So why not?. Then I gave him my phone number.

When we started to hang out together, That's the time when we got close together. Really, really close. To the point that I really liked him.

After 2 weeks from when we started hanging out together, He asked me on a Date. He was really romantic and charming. He asked me to be his girlfriend, so I said yes. Because it will break him if I said no. After all, he treated me like a queen.

I felt comfortable and protected when I'm with him. Every danger, he's always there for me. Even the darkest nights when I'm all alone.

I started to get suspicious when a Hot Female Server started to.. I think she started flirting with him.. I never thought that they would be "Hanging Out" with each other..

I never really believed any of his friends that he's cheating with that girl.

Until Elizabeth showed me a video footage. I didn't wanna cry, or even tell him that I found out he's cheating on me..

Then that's the time when I told you to go to the park, Right? That's the time that I want to break up with him. I never thought that it would turn in to a fight.

And I'm.. really.. really.. sorry about that.

So Lauren just called Elizabeth, only to find out that Angelo's in the hospital. So we rushed just to go there.


"Dude!? What the
hell were you thinking!?!?" I was really shocked

"I was just protecting Lauren.." As Angelo was really down

"Why!? What happened!?"

"My EX-boyfriend hurted me..."

"Why? What did you do? Did you broke up with him?" As Elizabeth asked using hints

"Yes.... And.... You were right all along.... *cries*"

"Well, you did the right thing.
So Angelo, how are you??"

"Still hurt."

"So, who's going to keep an eye on you while you're here??"

"I'll stay with him.. for now.. I started the fight, so why not?. By the way Andrew, can you fetch me some of his stuff here?"

"Don't blame yourself for something you haven't done."

"It's true. I started it all of this."

"Sure, Why not. So you're going to stay here?"

"Only after he's done healing."


So Me & Tyler went to our room and fetch some of his stuff so that it wouldn't be boring. While we're walking through the hallway, we saw Lauren's boyfriend carrying some of his stuff.. But we don't even know where'd he get the key..

Just for our own safety, we just followed him and recorded it. Leading us to another apartment. The Security didn't let us in because we are not registered and not living there. Luckily, he didn't catch us. So we just went to the hospital & brought Angelo's stuff.

After that, we went home with Elizabeth. I asked her if she needs a companion but she said no.

It's morning and Elizabeth calls me on my phone..

She called me because someone was knocking on their door...


"Andrew!!! You need to....come in our apartment door. RIGHT NOW!" As if she's really scared..



"OK! I'm coming right now" As I'm running to her door


So Me & Tyler went to their apartment door then suddenly we saw Lauren's Ex Boyfriend there. So we asked him to leave but he won't.


"Dude, I'm just going to get my stuff..."

"Are you sure about that?"
Asked like we were suspicious....

"Yes. I'll just get my stuff"

"Well, you stay here. We'll get it for you. Where is it though?"

"It's just in the closet and drawers.."

"Ok, That's it. Right?"



We didn't even let him get inside the apartment just to ensure Lauren's stuff will be safe. But we didn't let her know that he took his stuff.

After lunch, we went to the hospital to check if Angelo is fine. When we opened the door, we didn't heard their whole conversation together. We just heard:

"I Love You"

"I Love You, Too"

"I Love You, Too"

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