Chapter 17: Australian Campfire

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Did I mention? We don't go from one place to another every day/ week.

Australia, the place of kangaroos, and Spiders..

While we were at the gate, I already saw a cardboard cutout of a kangaroo, and a Spider by the side. Trying not to scare the girls, but I bought a fake spider so that I can throw it in their bags.

They're really scared of spiders... A.K.A. Arachnophobia. Which I don't have, but don't want. I kept pissing them off. I bought a Spider Jacket, Pillow, Shirt, Hoodie, Hat, and even Underwear?? Which I was really laughing about.


"Stop it!!"

"Why should I stop?" as I throw another spider


"You're the one who needs to stop"

"Me? I will stop!? Maybe you should think about it"

"I'm not even the one who's pissing you off"

"Okay." as I throw
another spider

"Please... Stop it" as she cries repeatedly

"Okay, I'll stop now"


Well, that didn't turn out well. She cried like she was about to have a heart attack. But I don't think that it would be realistic.

While we went to the Great Barrier Reef, I saw Elizabeth wearing a hot swimsuit. That got my mouth hanging. But I forgot that we're underwater.

I saw the coral reefs, glowing colors. I didn't want to tell the escorts that it was there, so I went there myself. We were told not to move, touch or open any of the corals. But I was wondering what is behind the glowing corals.

So, I opened it and saw an ancient Greek text stating: Vreíte to thisavró tis zoís sas. Which was engraved in a stone tablet. And I saw a book, and the title was: Claves spatium et Tempus. Luckily, I brought a bag with me.

I didn't know why those were glowing, but I'm still proud that I found those treasures.

I surrendered the stone tablet, but not the book. Because if I gave the book, I wouldn't be able to read it anymore. So I kept the book a secret.

After diving in the coral reef, we went out to eat lunch.

The local people of Australia invited us to join the camping activity. We didn't know it was a party, so we didn't know what to expect.

In the middle of the beach, there was a Large Campfire. Everyone was in a circle, and each would do something for everyone.

When It was nearly my turn, I quickly found a Guitar. So, I was prepared for that and it's finally my turn to do something, so I sang a song that I've been working on.

So I stood up, played the guitar and sang the song while holding Elizabeth on my arms. Everyone was really excited because I held her hands and kissed her. Then suddenly, one outsider shouted: "Are you even together??" Which really made me mad.

So I chase him, but I couldn't catch up. Which drained all of my energy. When I got back at the camp, everybody was gone, luckily there were traces of their footprints. I followed them and saw them roasting food already.

I actually thought that they were kidnapped, arrested or even gone. But I still found them alive and happy.

 But I still found them alive and happy

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