Start A Fire

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"Shawn get the fuck out the tub right now"
"Shawn fucking Mendes!!!"
I ripped the shower curtain back to reveal no one. I jerked around to see Jc pulling Shawn out from under the bed and running out the room. I ran after him and tackled him just before he could get to the stairs. I began to pummel him, getting at least 5 punches in before being ripped off of him by Jc. "Don't you ever fucking hurt Nash again bitch, I will fucking kill you", I yelled kicking and screaming the air as Jc held me up. "Let go of me", I screamed before elbowing Jc in the stomach and getting free. I ran up to Shawn who was still laying on the ground and wrapped my hands around his neck. I could feel all the rage coming into my hands as he struggled for his breath, my hate: for him, for Jc, and Gilinsky, and Mike, for my dad, for Nash, for everything! I couldn't stop myself, It felt almost therapeutic, but before I knew it I felt a very hard glass break against my head and I was unconscious.


1 month later

"Shawn Mendes?"
"Aquí", Nash said for him, raising Shawn's hand for him. Apparently after choking him for 15 seconds I did enough damage to mess up his vocal chords. He's been recovering but they told him it would about 2 months before he'd be back to singing and speaking regularly. The attempted murder didn't go well with Nash either. I don't know what Shawn told him but he hasn't spoken to me since then. Jc, to keep up appearances though, still forces us all to have lunch together everyday. He told me that if I spoke a single word about him and Shawn then he'd expose me, Nash and Shawn and make sure we never felt the end of it.

"Ok estudiantes, today we'll be working with your partners from the beginning of the year to create an updated paragraph on your goals for the year and what you did over the winter break. Please get together with them to talk this out."

I turned around to see Nash glaring at me. This would be the first time we spoke since the incident.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Apr 07, 2018 ⏰

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