Chapter 41-- Soleis

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The next day, I wake up in a pool of sweat. I had had a nightmare, and it wasn't pretty. I got ready, hopping into the shower quickly. I wore an outfit similar to yesterdays, but the shirt was a tank top. I made myself a smoothie for breakfast, because Pixie makes me have one once a week. I hopped onto my motorcycle, closing the visor to my helmet and driving off to Aries' school.
    I got to the classroom about 10 minutes into the class. I knocked on the door, and the teacher let me into the room. He smiled widely and welcomed me in. He led me to his desk while the students worked on their computers.
    "What can I do for you, young lady?" I smiled a bit at his optimism.
    "Um, so, you have a student in this class, Aries, right?" He nods. "Well, I'm her soulmate, and she's had an accident. . . I was wondering if there was any make-up work she has?" His smile melted away.
    "I'm sorry, about that. There's no work at the moment, we're just editing our own pictures, if we have any. But, she had a tiebreaker for a contest today. I just named Blake the winner." He motioned over to a redhead, and he seemed like he had been watching us for a while. I waved at him.
    "Well, thanks anyway." I shake the teacher's hand and walk towards the door. That Blake dude walks up to me, and stands in front of the door, blocking the exit. He looks at me, suspicious. I stare him down, equally. He finally breaks the silence.
    "What was that?" I look up at him.
    "I was getting work for my girlfriend." He rolls his eyes.
    "How much did she pay you to say that?" I slap him, hard.
    "How much did your girlfriend pay you to act like Aries was your soulmate, you lying douche."
    His eyes widen and he blushes a bit, and presses a hand to his cheek. "So, you and Aries are actually soulmates?" I roll my eyes.
     "Is it not obvious? I just slapped you."
    He nods.
     "I guess you're right." I laugh.
     "Yeah. I guess I am." I push him aside.
    "I'll be going now, I have to go see my girlfriend in the hospital." I walk out the door, and onto the campus, and ride my motorcycle to the hospital.

I walk into Aries' room quietly, trying to figure out if she's sleeping or not. She's awake, and perks up when she sees me.
    "Any work?" I shake my head.
    "Just some editing. But I'm sure you're not working on anything, at the moment." She nods and leans back into her bed.
    "Thank you, Soleis." I nod, and stand awkwardly. Aries looks me over, her eyes wandering over every detail. She's always been observant, I've noticed, and she seems to have not lost that. She pats the spot next to her on the bed.
    "Come sit down." I walk over and sit next to her, and she examines my hands. The tips of my left fingers are calloused, from playing violin so often.
"I want to know. . . What exactly happened? They told me I was hit by a car, but that isn't very helpful. What was I doing at the time? Where was i? I was with you though, right?" I nod.
    "I don't exactly know what you were trying to do, but you were running towards me after getting your purse. We were at a bagel place, on a date. . ." I trail off, not sure what she'll say.
     "Why did we go to a bagel place as a date?" I shake my head.
    "Well, we're soulmates. We actually just met a few days ago, but we've been trying to get to know each other. And, you really like bagels." Aries starts to tear up.
     "This seems wonderful. . . I miss it." Her voice cracks. "Soleis, d-do you think I'll ever get my memory back?"
     "I-" I start to answer, but then the doctor come in, interrupting.
      "Miss Solies, can I talk to you for a moment?" She asks, gesturing out of the room. I stand up, following her out of the room. She turns to me, closing the door behind her.

       "Well, the bad news is that we can not do any procedures to force her to remember. The good news is that it is possible for her to remember on her own, if something sparks her memory. This may not work, and if it does, everything may not come back," the doctor takes a deep breath and waits for me to respond.
    I stand there, kind of in shock. The nurse looks at me, taking in my expression. After a few moments, I manage to get words out.
     "So, her memory can come back, but possibly not all of it?"
     "Yes, but we have a limited time slot to trigger her memory until it is basically inaccessible to her brain."
    As I'm about to speak, we hear loud footsteps coming from down the hall. I turn towards the noise, and see a now-familiar redhead running towards us. He stops near us to explain.
    "Look, I want to see Aries. I know I'm her enemy. . . But. . . I feel bad. Ok? I want to see her." His eyes suddenly turned pleading. "Please." I stand still, looking up at him, and shrug.
    "I guess. I'm not sure if it's my choice, but go ahead." I motion towards the door. He nods jerkily towards me.
    "Thank you. . . Soleis, wasn't it?"
    "Yeah."  walk into the room, Blake tailing me. I step aside so he can walk up to Aries' bedside.

"Um. . . Hey. . . Aries," he starts, looking over her. At first, she seems just as confused as she had been since she awoke, but slowly, recognition filled her eyes.

"Y- You! I-I remember you!"  Blake took a step back and looked at me desperately. I stand, in shock, and turn to Aries.
    "Aries, you remember him?" She looks at me, and her eyes widen even more.
      "Soleis. . . ? Yes. Yes. I remember. I think. I remember everything." She looks at me with a wild, hopeful expression. "Well, maybe. Some of these, I'm not sure if they are memories or my imagination. But. . . It's much better than before. Yes, I know who he is. I know who you are!!!"
    My eyes widen. "Wait, you mean-you know who I am?"
    "Yes," she smiles. "Yes I do, and I can't believe I ever forgot."
    My eyes tear up, and I cover my mouth with my hands. I walk over to her, sitting down on the bed. "Aries, I-I just-" I wipe the tears from my face and smile at her. "Never do that again. If you die, I'm going to kill you."
    She smiles weakly.
    "Got it?"
    "Got it."

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