Chapter 23-- Soleis

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I looked at my computer. Another message from that Aries girl.

Yeah, that's my name, Why? Is your name actually Aries?

I sent it and sat back. It said she was typing, so I sat and waited.

Yes. . . So I guess we're soulmates?

I guess. . . It kinda feels weird saying it like that. . . So blunt. My life is crazy right now.

So is mine. . . I'm sorry for being blunt, but the last time I wasn't. . . Let's just say it didn't turn out good for me.

I feel ya. Same thing happened to me. . . So-where do you live? Are you in another country or something? I'm in London.

Me too!! At least for now. I might move to Manchester soon.

Cool. So. . . Do you want to like meet somewhere? Or what?

Yeah, I guess. Just not a restaurant.

And not a coffee shop, thank you very much.

Hey, can I have your actual phone number so we don't have to keep talking through the computer?

sure. She sends me her number and I save it to my phone as Aries (maybesoulmate??). 

'Hey, this is Soleis.'


'So we were talking about meeting somewhere. . . A Book store maybe?' 

'Sure. That works. I need to buy a book anyway. . .'

'When? '

'What works for you? I'm free pretty much all the time.' 

'Maybe. . . Later today? '

'Sure. What time? '

'Whatever works for you.' 

'I can go whenever. My roommate is being all weird now so I'd fancy leaving sooner.' 

'Um so what about 30 minutes? '

'Sure. See you then.'

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