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Hello, I'm Marshie and this story is published on my Wattpad account. However, my friend and I
both worked on it together, so half the credit goes to her! (im-gay-so-yay ) The amazing cover was created by -celestials , so thank you to her!

We originally got this idea from something on Pinterest, that was reposted from Tumblr. If I can find the original post, I'll put it here so I can give credit. But thank you, good people of Tumblr and Pinterest, for the idea.

Oh, and the beginning will be very cliché  but I promise it will get better!! 

Enjoy! 💛🖤💛

Also, this is completely unedited, and there are some minor plot holes (like the characters not sounding British ) that we are going to revisit and fix later. If you have trouble understanding anything or see grammar mistakes, please leave a comment to let us know!

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