Chapter 28--- Aries

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I glance at my phone as it rings. There is a text  from Soleis.

'Hey, sorry. Pix was being weird. I smile and respond.'

'It's fine. Who's Pix? '

'Roommate. Full name, Pixie. I just call her that for short :P'  

Roommate. It's nice to have some privacy, but it would be sort of fun to live with someone so I wouldn't be lonely all the time. 

I type a response.

'Fun! I really enjoyed today. . . '

'Me too! Maybe we could plan for another day?' 

I resist the urge to write YAS in all caps, and instead just say 'Sounds great, when are you thinking? '

'I'm good anytime, but whatever works for you.' 

'After tomorrow my photography class starts, so tomorrow is probably going to be our only option for a while. . . '

'Sure, I'm fine with that!'

'Do you like Ken Bromley? We could go there?' 

'That's an odd place for a date. . . But sure. Whatever you want! Actually. . . I'd rather not. I had an. . . Let's just say I won't be going there for a while.' 

'That's fine. . . Do you have an idea? '

'Well, this might be weird, but maybe you could come over to my place? Pixie has a thing for work that lasts all day, so we have the place to ourselves.' 

'Sure, where do you live? '

'137 Lake st. It's the third level.' 

'Ok, see you tomorrow. '

'See ya <3'

I turn off my phone and plug it in.  Now what? Everything seems boring compared to what an extraordinary day I've had.

I change into my pyjamas and pull out my IPad to watch Netflix.

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