Chapter 33-- Solies

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I put my phone down and turn off the TV. Two minutes untill Aries is supposed to get here. Soleis, she's probably not going to get here in exactly two minutes, you need to calm down, I scold myself.

Nevertheless, I start getting impatient and decide to pace. It usually keeps me busy. About 5 minutes after Aries was supposed to get here, I hear a knock at the door. I squeal inwardly and try to calmly make my way to the door.

I look through the peephole to make sure I'm not kidding myself, and see Aries waiting patiently at the door. I feel my face heat up and grab the doorknob, opening the door quickly. I smile when I see her, I can't help myself.

"Hey!" She steps into the doorway.

"Hi!" I blushed a bit darker. "Do you. . . Want to come in?" I motioned to the house behind me.

"Sure," she said and glanced down.

I walked inside and she followed, closing the door behind her. I awkwardly stood in the middle of the room.

"Well, this is my house." I kind of internally freaked out when I took the time to look at her. She seemed like she had taken forever to get something together. And her hair was really cute. It looked messy, but composed. I blushed darkly when she noticed I was staring, so I looked down at my feet.

She laughed and I looked up. "You wanna show me around?" I nodded, grateful for an excuse to move. I led her towards the kitchen.

"Kitchen. Not anything special. I cook ramen and bagels."

"I LOVE BAGELS!!" She burst out, then immediately flushes cherry red.

I stood there, looking at her weirdly. Okay. Passionate about bagels. Nice to know. I led her to the living room.

"Living room. I watch Netflix here and I sleep here when Pixie snores too loud." She laughs and looks around. I pat the couch. "It's like 6 years old so it's comfy." She smiles.

I lead her to the bedrooms and point at Pixie's door. "Don't go in there. That's where Pixie sleeps and she hates it when people go in there." She stares at the door with a look on her face. I point to the bathroom. "That's where I do my biz. We only have one so that's it. Know where it is." She laughed yet again and I led her to my room. "My room. I sleep in here and pretty much live in here." I lead her into the office room. "I do my studying and violin stuff in here." 

"You play violin?"

"Yeah," I reach for it off of its stand. "I've been playing since grade school."

"Can you play something for me?" she asks hesitantly. I shrug.

"Sure." I pick up my instrument and move into my bedroom where we have more room. I pick up my bow and play through the concerto I'm playing for the audition. Aries stares at me with wide eyes the entire time. As I end she claps, and I smile. "Thanks. I've been working on that one for a while, I have an audition coming up."

"I'm sure you'll get in. . .or get chosen or . . what is the audition for? I don't know much about violin. . . What i'm trying to say is that that was beautiful," she rushes nervously at the end of the sentence. I smile up at her.

"There's an orchestra that plays nearby and they're accepting applications for a soloist."

"Awesome!" She hesitates before continuing, "When you get in, can I come to one of your performances?"

I smile. "Of course! It's open to the public mostly, but I could get you a free ticket once and awhile. . ." I trail off, thinking of how she would react at one of the shows. 

"Great!" She squeals, and in her excitement, hugs me before blushing and stepping away. I blush hard and sat down on the bed, hiding my face behind my violin. She stands awkwardly and I stand up again, putting my violin on it's stand. I walk into the hallway and she follows. "I made chocolate chip waffles this morning and I wanted to know if you wanted one. I made an extra for you. . ." I trail off and walk into the kitchen, leaning on the counter.

"Sure," she says, a little awkwardly. I blush and start heating up the waffle, sticking it in the toaster and pushing the button. We stand there silently until it rings and the waffle is ready. I get a paper plate and put the waffle on it, grabbing a fork and sliding it over to Aries. 

"Your waffle." I bow as I give it to her, and watch her as she examines it and her smile returns.

"Thanks." She starts stabbing it with the fork, effectively cutting it, and then shoving pieces into her mouth. 

"Tis is gerd," she says, her mouth full. I giggle and smile at her.

"Thanks." She swallows then asks,

"Are you good at making all food, or just waffles?"

"I can cook. But it's all family stuff that I've learned over the years. Like chicken soup and this really good gravy." 

"I can't cook to save my life. I'm not kidding, I could burn water."

"I've had that happen before. But you learn eventually."

"That's good. As much as I want to, I can't live on ramen forever."

"I feel ya. If I could, I would too. But it's good that I know how to cook."

"Yeah. . . " she trails off, looks at her waffle, and silence resumes. She ate in silence, and I watched her, without her knowing, of course. She finished the waffle and holds the plate hesitantly.

"Should I put this in the sink for you. . . ?" She asks, looking around for a sink. I shake my head. 

"It's a paper plate, just throw it away." I open the cabinet where the garbage can is. "The trash is in here." She throws it away and smiles at me nervously, still blushing.

"So. . . Do you want to watch a movie? I have Netflix and Hulu."

"Sure, I love Netflix,"

"Doesn't everyone?" I walk over to the couch and click the TV on, switching from cable to Netflix. I scroll through the movies. "Is there anything in particular you want to watch?"

"No. . .whatever you'd like would be fine with me. . ." I smile to myself and keep scrolling.

"I swear I've almost watched everything on here." I find a movie that they just put on, that I hadn't seen in theatres. "Have you seen this?" I point to the screen.

"No, not yet," I sigh in relief and click on the movie, and it starts up. I get up and turn off the light. 

"I can make popcorn if you want, I know you just ate. . ."

"I'm ok, let's just watch." I nod and sit back down, next to Aries and kind of touching her. I kept my distance, because I wasn't sure if I had freaked her out or something last time.

She leans her head on my shoulder and curls up next to me, almost asleep. I internally freak out, but externally wrap my arm around her shoulder, leaning my head on top of hers. After a few minutes, I look back down and notice that she had fallen asleep entirely. I smile down at her, thinking, She's so cute when she's asleep. I continue watching the movie, and let her sleep.

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