Chapter 14-- Aries

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I wait downstairs nervously. Blake is going to pick you up! I internally squealed in a voice that sounded suspiciously like Alexa's.

I see a familiar car pull up and Blake's smiling face as he rolls the window down. I walk quickly to the other side of the car and get in the shotgun seat. 

"Hi," I say, and smile at him. He grins back.

"Hi Aries." A shiver goes down my spine when I hear him say my name. I always thought Aries was an odd name, but hearing him say It makes it seem exotic and beautiful. He starts driving and I pull out my portfolio. 

Like a smart child, he doesn't take his eyes off the road, though I can see the curiosity on his face. It's too adorable to miss, so I snap a picture with my phone.

My heart stops when it makes a noise and I realise that I forgot to turn the camera sounds off. I deeply blush, glad that he was driving and didn't ask me about it. 

"So what was the theme of your portfolio?" I ask.

 "Well, I have a couple of pictures but I don't know for sure yet," he admits.

 "Wait, you're not done yet?" This time, he glances at me and smiles. 

"No, I just wanted an excuse to spend time with you." I blush deeply and try to come up with an intelligent response.

"Um. . . Well. . . Thank you?" I say, then instantly cringe. He chuckles and turns down the street of the photography place.  I get out and wave goodbye to him. 

 "I'll be back in twenty minutes to get you, ok?" He asks.

"Okay. . . Bye," 

"Bye!" He calls as he rolls up his window and drives away. I stand at the side of the road for a moment and watch him drive away, blushing the entire time. I am so lucky to have such a great soulmate.

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