Chapter 32--- Aries

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My phone rings as I walk out of the outlet mall. It's Soleis and she's asking what time I want to come over. I pause and text her back.

'Whenever you're ready, I'm free in about 20 mins.'

That should  give me enough time to change, I think as I put my stuff in the back of my Vespa and drive off.

I get home and immediately check my phone. As expected, I have a waiting text from Soleis. 

'Sure, see you in 20!' I grin, then see that it was sent 15 minutes ago. I only have five minutes until I'm supposed to be there, I think, panicking.

I kick off my shoes as I take off my shirt, and change into the pretty flowy top I bought. I exchanged my jeans for a pair of black leggings and white vans and put my hair into a Ponytail, not wanting to waste time brushing it. Almost as an afterthought, I put lipstick on, feeling odd   on a date without makeup.

This whole ordeal took me only three minutes. I doubt I will get to her apartment in two more minutes, but this way I won't be too late.

I get back on my still-warm Vespa and type her address into the maps app.

"Starting route to 137 Lake st."

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