Chapter 36-- Aries

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My alarm clock goes off and I wake with a jolt. It's 8:30, and my class will start at 9. I rolled over and grin. First I met my amazing, real soulmate, and now I get to go to a photograph class.  This has been a great week so far.

I roll out of bed, and get ready, grinning to myself. I pull on a pair of  jeans and a long sleeve tee over my underwear before pausing.  I'm going to my date after class so maybe I should wear something nicer. . . ? I shake my head and smile a little to myself. It's too late for Soleis to back out now, plus she doesn't seem like the type of person to judge me by what I wear.

I grab my keys and camera and head out the door.

I get to the class at about 8:43. It's in a brick studio, the outside crumbling with age.  I walk inside and at once the smell of warm vanilla hits me. I take a deep breath, closing my eyes. When I reopen them, a man is standing in front of me.

He smiles, his shadowed  blue eyes sparkling. He has ebony black hair and is older than me, probably by seven years or so. He is relaxed, but also seems professional and I realize with a start that he is the professor. Great first impression you made, Aries. Smelling the air, so scholarly.

"Hi," he says. "I am Mr. Clark, your instructor for this class." He has an American accent  and sticks out his hand for me to shake, smiling. I take it and fix my posture to look more confident.

"Hi, I'm Aries." I shake his hand firmly. He points to a stool in front of a table near the front of the room.

"That will be your space for this semester, feel free to store anything you may need for the class there," he informs me.

"Thank you," I politely say, and set my bag down. I brought my completed portfolio, an empty one, a notebook, my simple Cannon camera, and a few lenses.

I unpack my things, then look around. There are identical desks to mine, spread throughout the studio. Some were full, not all, but there was still  about ten minutes until class starts. There was a good mix of people, some girl, some boy, some friendly looking, and others who look like they eat children for breakfast.

I'm looking around the room at the various photographs on the wall when the next student comes in. I look at him and gasp, my wide eyes meeting his. No. It can't be. But it is.


How had I not known this would happen? I mentally faceplam myself. He was the one who took me to turn in my application, this class was one of the things we bonded over in the short time we were 'together'. If I could even call it that.

The teacher gave Blake the introduction spiel , oblivious. Blake smirked at me, then took his seat across the classroom. I glare at him, determined to look strong. He looks exactly the same as I remember, his red hair shining in the light with an abundance of hair gel. I scowl and rub my face. This is not going to turn out well.

A few minutes later, Mr. Clark came to the front of the class. He cleared his throat and everyone fell silent.

"Hi," he begins, smiling at us. "So for today, we are just going to share portfolios and then take a vote on the 'best' one. Best can mean photo quality, creativeness, or just best presentation. We're going to go in alphabetical order by first name so. . . Alley." I smile and clap politely as she goes up. Her portfolio is mostly of her little sister and family. We applaud again, mostly for show.

"Aries, you're up next." I grab my portfolio and walk up to the font, flashing a confident smile at Blake.

My first photo is of me and Taurus, my arm slung around him. I clear my throat and feel the eyes of everyone in the room on me.

"This portfolio is called A Piece of Me. It's just prices from my life, happy moments, sad Moments, and just sometimes just ordinary . . . life. These photos were made so you could see glimpses of life from my perspective. So  you could see me."

I showed them the pictures and explained each of them. The one of me and Taurus was the first, and the portfolio ended with us again, hugging as I was ready to leave for England.

"Thank you for letting me share a glimpse of  my my world with you," I finish.

The class cheers for me. While they might not have been completely blown away by my portfolio, they seemed to show more unrest in it than they did in Alley's. Blake looked annoyed that it didn't suck, which was just as good as winning. I grin and take my seat, glowing with pride for the rest of the presentations.

Mr. Clark passes out slips of paper. "Write who you're voting for here," he instructs us.

For a brief moment, I debate voting for myself. The moment passes, and I write down the name Eric. Eric did a portfolio composed of pictures of things in stopped motion, called 'Time Freeze'.

Mr.Clark counted the votes.

"Well, well, well," he said with his little grin. "It looks like we have a tie. Blake, Aries, will you both come up here for a moment?" I freeze for a second, then force myself walk to the front of the room.

I won? No, I tied? With Blake?

Mr. Clark grins wider. "Since we have a tie, how 'bout our two winners submit five photos by tomorrow to break it? How does that sound to you?" He addressed the last part to the class and they cheered. "You two can pick the theme," he says to us.

"I. . . Um, Blake can choose the theme, I don't mind," I stammer, blushing. Blake grins as if he was hoping for me to say that.

"Soulmates." He declared to the class. "Our theme will be soulmates." He looks at me, putting fake innocence into his expression. "Can you manage that, Aries?" I  clench my teeth and him in the eyes.

"I'll manage just fine."

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