Chaper 23

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"Shit!" Noel curses as her cute little pink, eight pound bowling ball rolls into the gutter for the tenth time. She stomps over to the booth and plops down with a look of defeat. I chuckle and go for my turn in bowling. I walk over in my clown shoe covered feet and concentrate. I let the ball glide through the air and release it. Strike. Again. I turn around and wink at my very frustrated girlfriend.

"Whipe that look off your face, or I'll do it for you." she mumbles. Her blonde hair tied up in a messy bun. A couple whispy strands frame her face. I can't help but think about how gorgeous she is.

"I refuse to go again Lou." she says crossing her arms to show she is serious.

"Not if I can help it." I say and then pick her up and throw her over my shoulder. She screams and bursts into a fit of tiny giggles. I set her down and put her bowling ball in her frail little hands. I place my arms around her and brush the hair behind her ears.

"Now, focus." I whisper into her ear and can see her bite her lip. She slips her fingers into the ball and I guide her arm back.

"That's perfect love." I say into her ear and she drops, no chucks, the ball down the runway. I laugh as it hits one pin. I feel her sigh.

"Louis, I'm a hopeless mess." she says. I grin and she spins around in my hold. We are now facing each other. She looks up at me with her sad hazel eyes and I smile.

"But, you're my hopeless mess." I say and then kiss her. She wraps her arms around my neck. I can't believe a girl like her could love a man like me. I pull away and lean my forehead against hers. My eyes flutter closed

"Noel darling, I love you with every ounce of my being." I said every word desperate to let her know that this is the truth.

"Ditto." she simply replies.


The sun pools into the room. The blankets cast shadows on my hands. I stare at them. I role over in my bed in search for Noel's warm body. But instead am met with the empty harshness that now consumes my heart.

She's gone. Her beautiful little eyes will never open again. The once frail body I held against my own is cold. Her heart that once used to beat strong for me, had stopped. Her presence in my life gone. Nothing has her scent. Empty, that's what I feel.

I pull on the cold empty sheets and sob. I bundle them up close to my chest and heave I cry and cry.

"WHY?! WHY DOES EVERYONE I LOVE STOP BREATHING?!" I scream to the universe. First Eleanor and Now My precious Noel. My mind was even trying to trick me with the idea of her being alive and doing normal human things with me. Like going bowling for Christ's sake.

"WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN TO ME!?" I yell and sob some more into Noel's side of the bed.

I lay there until I'm hiccuping from crying. Tears stain my face. I can't do it. I can't be without her.

Noel my beautiful disaster. All she ever wanted was to be loved. This was John's fault. He didn't hold her like she needed, he didn't buy her roses on her birthday, or tell her she looked gorgeous when she knew she didn't. He was going to pay. He had killed her.

And I wasn't going to stand for that.

I am going to kill John.

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