Chapter 16

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*Lou's pov*

I came home from Harry's house and I couldn't understand why Harry was so depressed. And he told Noel why, but I'm his best friend. Frustrating is what that boy is.

I was about to unlock the door when I saw the scrapes on the side. Did somebody break in? I rushed inside my thoughts clouded as I searched for any kind of damage.

"Noel?" I shouted. My house looked fine. It was just how I left it. Maybe Noel was just in my bed still. I walked into my room to see nothing but a sleep tossled bed. Where the hell is she?! I walked into my living room and saw the tele was on. Doctor who played on the screen. I smiled Noel was such a nerd.

"She's gone." The Doctor said on the television. I shook my head. Maybe she just had some errands to run. I walked into the kitchen and saw a note stuck to the refrigerator.


I'm leaving. John has found me and I'm going home with him. Thanks for everything


My heart dropped into my stomach. She just left. Like I mean nothing to her. I was finally getting better. But she left. The place where my heart is literally hurts. I love her she can't just go back to the man who beats her!

But I don't know where he lives. I can't find her. I sunk down to my knees. I didn't know what to feel. I just stared at the crumpled piece of paper in my hand.


He name, her eyes, her helplessness, her. All of her every little quirk and things people would assume were faults I found attractive. I love her. I love everything about her. Her smile her eyes the way she made me feel inside. She made me feel like I'd never lost Eleanor that the love she gave me made me whole.

But she threw that away. She basically threw my heart on the ground and stomped on it. How could she go back to him?!

*John's pov*

She was back in my arms. He frail little body warmly pressed against my own. We were in my apartment and Noel was sleeping with me. Her head was rested on my chest as soft childish sighs fell from her lips. I mindlessly twirled a lock of her curly blonde hair around my finger loosely.

How could I ever live without her?

I laid in bed contemplating the answer. All those days without her got me into more trouble than I deserved. She was off with some other guy! And they had a 'thing' she was in his house. On the most gay blue couch!

This was her fault.

But then I look at her small body curled up against my own. The warmth we shared was that in which every couple wish they had. To lay in the arms of the one you loved most and just listen to the steady beat of the others heart. It was perfect.

No...he couldn't live without her. Never.

*Harry pov*

I'm going to do it. I'm going to tell Louis how I feel. I know that it's just going to crash and burn. But I need to tell him so I could a least be his best friend again. After my emotional break down I go up and showered I once again looked like Harold Edward Styles, fun, flirty, and cheeky boy from one direction. And I felt so good.

I got my car keys and went to the garage to find my beautiful baby girl waiting to purr to life.

"Ello Sexy." I said running a hand along the hood. I hopped in the front seat and turned the keys and my Lamborghini hummed to life. I smirked.

Styles is back baby.

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