Chaper 7

191 5 2

*Noel's pov*

Louis has taken me to the recording studio with him. Basically I think it's because he doesn't want me to run off. I mean seriously. Why would he want to save me? And all I want do is find John.

"Are you nervous love?" Lou asked me as we were heading down a long winding hallway that reminded me of a castle. This building was huge and I have already seen two other famous people recording their new albums. It was defiantly some where I never thought I'd be.

"Yeah just...what are we doing here?" I say fiddling with the hem of Lou's shirt. He lent me one of his shirts to wear. I liked it a lot it was soft and smelled of him.

"We are just recording some of our songs and then we'll go to Nandos? Unless you want something else for lunch." Lou said smiling my way. I nodded and glanced at Harry who was already glaring at me. Louis charges ahead to talk to a producer and I take the chance to talk to Harry.

"What the hell is your problem?" I hiss under my breath at Harry. He looks shocked at first but then he looks around and walks to a corner, i assumed it was So people wouldn't hear us, (mainly Lou).

"Stay away from Louis." Harry said, taking me by surprise. His voice held a note of anger and a hint of something else. Envy? Jealousy?

"Why?!" I almost screamed. He just shook his head and stomped off.

"Sheesh who pooped in your coffee?" Louis asks Harry as he brushes past Lou. I watch as Harry heads down the hall. He's a turd.

Lou pulls a face at me making me giggle.

"C'mon love. Time to meet the boys." Lou says with a wink. My stomach flips. Why can't I ever hang out with girls? I follow Lou to the room I saw Harry disappear in.

As I entered the brightly lit room, chaos, pure chaos was what I walked in on. It was like walking into the middle of a food fight that was stuffed inside a tornado.

Papers were thrown everywhere! A guy with jet black hair had a boy with blonde hair over his shoulder. The boy with blonde hair was laughing like a mad man. One of the five boys was trying to calm everyone down, but Harry jumped on his back. Louis had jumped right into it all adding to the disaster.

A piercing whistle filled the room causing everybody to freeze. A kind of bigger man walked in.

"Shut up." He said simply. the boys smiled and sat on the couch.

"Well that worked" I whispered under my breath and everybody looked at me. Except for Harry. He was on his phone.

"Yay! another blondie! I'm not alone anymore!" The blonde one said grinning at me. He had pretty blue eyes and a thick Irish accent.

"Boys this is Noel. My...ugh..." Lou looked at me confused.

"Whore." Harry pipes up.

That hit me hard like a sack of bricks. The whole room was a blur as tears started to fill my eyes. Whore, slut, worthless. The words echoed through my head I had to get out of here. I stumbled into the hall and into an elevator. That's when I let the tears fall.

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