Chaper 1

260 7 2

My name is Noel. I am currently homeless, sometimes I stay with John when it's been a good day. Unfortunately today is not a good day. John's drinking again.

"Noel! Oh dear Noel!" I hear him slur coming toward me.

" go away John!" I scream locking the bathroom door. He pounds on it.

"Oh don't be like that love!" He says. I know he's going to get in soon. The door gets knocked down and I wait til he is inside to run past him. In a flash he has a hold of my wrist. He pushes me to the ground.

"Get my my beer you whore!" He screams spitting on me.

"You've had enough tonight John!" I say standing back up and running out the door.

"Come back here you slut! I'm not done with you!" He screams chasing me down the road. In two strides he's caught up.

"John please. Stop!" I scream sobbing hard. My chest hurts from running and crying. He pushes me against the ally wall and hits me. He punches my face hard. So hard I can taste the metallic red substance of blood.

"Next time you better get me my beer!" He says pulling out his keys and stabbing my upper thigh cutting it deep. I cry out in pain. A car pulls up and another person runs out.

"Hey! Leave her alone!" The person shouts. Panic enters my thoughts. The pain in my thigh clouding my thoughts. I just want this person to go away so John can't hurt anybody else.

"Go away sir! I'm fine!" I try calling to him but my voice betrays me by cracking. John digs his key in further to my leg causing another blood curling scream to escape my lips.

The person can tell now that John is hurting me. I mean duh. The person charges at John knocking him to the ground. I glance down at my thigh and can see the golden key sticking out of my leg I gag at the sight of how far it's in there. And the blood. So so much blood.

John and this person/man or what not are fighting and the person knocks John out cold. My mind is hazy as feel my heart pull towards my unconscious boyfriend.

"John!" I call out. I can feel the tears on my face. I reach out to touch him but I'm lifted up in the arms of the man who hurt my love.

"Stop!" I shout screaming and hitting this man. "Stop please I love him!" I give up and sob against his chest.

"Shh. It's okay love." The man said pulling me closer to his chest. The key in my leg being bumped causing a sharp pain to fill my whole body. My brain shut down to save me from this pain. I blacked out. Thank goodness.

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