Chapter 11

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*Noel's pov*

I stood and waited for Harry to finish his sentence.

"Your...?" I prompted. He looked at the ground.

"Noel....I'm...I'm...shit. Why can't I say it!" He said throwing his hands up and pacing around. He put his hands in his hair running his fingers through his curls.

"Harry...are you in love with me?" I say in a whisper. Shocked, that's why he was being such an ass. Because he loved me?! Harry gave me a 'what the hell' look. Ouch. Nope that wasn't it.

"Uh sorry but no. I'm..." His jaw tightened making him impossibly hotter. He looked at the floor at his shoes and muttered two words that I'd never in a million years would have suspected.

"I'm gay."

I couldn't stop myself from letting out a small gasp. Harry Styles was gay? Then it all made sense, the storming out of the room, the harsh comments, and the jealously burning in his eyes.

He stared at me waiting for my response and I just stood with my mouth open staring at him.

"Shit. Noel you can't tell the boys though." He said suddenly panicked that I would tell everybody about him.

"I won't...I promise..." I say still shocked. I didn't know what to think. "Are you in love with Louis?" I asked cautiously. He nodded his head.

"I'm sorry I've been such an ass to you Noel. It's just I was super jealous. After Eleanor died I thought maybe we'd have a chance. That he would give up on loving girls....

His eyes started to tear up. "Then the son of a bitch found you. And it fixed him Noel. You fixed him, I haven't seen him this happy in a long time."

Harry was crying now. All the information was finally seeping into my brain.

"Harry I'm sorry, I know what it feels like to love someone and they don't love you back." I say softly placing a hand on Harry's shoulder.

I had learned over these past few days that John had never truly loved me since he started drinking. He just pretended to so he could use me. Harry knew what I ment and just hugged me. He hugged me so tight.

"I'm just so afraid." Harry said quietly in my ear. He sounded so venerable and broken. I stroked his back and let him cry.

"I know Harry. It's okay."

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