Chapter 10

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*Louis' pov*

The first rays of sunlight kissed my face. It was warm, not like overly hot but the perfect type of I don't want to get of my bed warm. I shifted a bit and then remembered that Noel was cuddled up next to me.

Her blonde locks were spread lightly over her pillow making her look like a child. A small smile played on her perfect lips. I pulled her closer to my body. And run my fingers through her hair and hummed softly.

I remembered waking up next to Eleanor, I remember that she always woke up before me, but never woke me up. Except for once when she kissed me awake. It was one of the best ways to wake up. Eleanor was perfect. She had the sweetest personality and always put others before herself. Oh how I missed her smile and her laugh.

But she was gone, and Noel was here. And no matter how hard I tried I could never bring her back. Noel needed me and I needed to move on.

Noel stirred a bit and opened her hazel eyes. She immediately smiled at me. Her whole face lighting up.

"Morning Lou." She said softly. As she kissed my cheek. I smiled and ran my hand under her shirt lightly. Her skin was so soft. She closed her eyes and smiled. I continued this until he flinched unexpectedly her face contorted to pain.

"I'm so sorry! What's wrong did I hurt you?!" I ask frantically trying to take away the pain with my lips. I kissed all around her face. She was giggling now. I stop and look at her.

"I'm fine Lou. You just hit and old bruise. That's all." She said placing a hand on my face. She has bruises on her back too? Ugh when I meet this John guy I'm gonna give him some of his own medicine. Noel started running her hand through my hair I closed my eyes at the sensation.

"Oh my gosh! They're gonna do it!!!" I hear a thick Irish accent yell. I laugh and role over to see my four best friends standing in the doorway making gagging noises and pretending to throw up. Noel had turned bright red and hid under the blankets. I laughed and got up.

"Sorry to ruin your moment, but we have an interview." Liam says. I can always count on him. Harry saw Noel and got upset and left. I'm done with him! He's being an idiot and I don't understand why. I miss my best friend. The flirty fun one always making comments to crack Niall up.

Once the boys were done making jokes they headed downstairs and I started to figure out what to wear. Noel popped back out of the blankets.

"Do you have to go?" She pouted giving me the biggest puppy dog eyes ever. I grinned and laughed at her.

"Yes love I do." I smile and walk over to her I kiss her forehead and throw off my shirt. Noel lets out a low whistle and I laugh and walk into the bathroom. Today is gonna be a great day, it started great and let's just hope for the best.

*John's pov* 3hrs later*

I've been looking for Noel for to long. And now all the sympathy I had for her was gone. I wanted to find her to show her how miserable I was.

I got tired so I paused for a brief break next to this little tele shop. Playing on all the televisions was an interview or a famous boy band. I silently made fun of all five of the little fags. I recognized Niall from the pub. He's was decent I guess. The rest were fags. The interviewer asked one of them a weird question.

"So Louis, who's the girl you brought with you today? Your girlfriend perhaps?" She said and he blushed the camera zoomed out to the crowd to spot Noel. My Noel!

She was in a mint colored dress and her blonde hair was in ringlets. She her face from the camera. The worst part was her bruises, she didn't have any bruises. Nobody was hitting her.

I was furious, Louis...or whatever had taken Noel from me! And Niall! He knew I was looking for her and he knew her!

"Um I don't know what we are. But I hope maybe someday." Louis answered. That set me off. I punched the window of the shop so hard it cracked cutting my knuckle and causing the alarms to go off. I was going to get my damn girlfriend back even if I have to pry her from Lewis' cold dead hands.

*Harry's pov*

After the interviews, I decided I would explain to Noel why I was being so harsh to her. I owe her that much. I called her a whore, and hurt Louis by bringing up Eleanor to scare her off. Which didn't work. I walked to our dressing room to find Noel giggling with all the boys. Lou sat next to her a hand placed on her leg. He probably was turned on by her dress because she did look hot.

"Um...Noel? Can talk to *cough* alone?" I managed to choke out after a nerve racking second. I can't believe I'm a bout to tell her this...

"Um sure Harry." She said standing up. All four boys stared at us as we exited the room. My heart was racing and my palms were sweaty.

"Look Harry if your here to call me a slut, or whore. I don't want to hear it." She said crossing her arms over her chest. Dammit she looked hot.

" I just thought I should explain why I've been such a jerk." I said looking in her eyes.

"Go on."

"Well....Noel I'm..."

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